Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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gave its powers to help its neighbours’ parts,

      But suffered no diminution by the gift;

      Profiteers of a mystic interchange,

      They grew by what they took and what they gave,

      All others they felt as their own complements,

      One in the might and joy of multitude.

      Even in the poise where Oneness draws apart

      To feel the rapture of its separate selves,

      The Sole in its solitude yearned towards the All

      And the Many turned to look back at the One.

      An all-revealing all-creating Bliss,

      Seeking for forms to manifest truths divine,

      Aligned in their significant mystery

      The gleams of the symbols of the Ineffable

      Blazoned like hues upon a colourless air

      On the white purity of the Witness Soul.

      These hues were the very prism of the Supreme,

      His beauty, power, delight creation’s cause.

      A vast Truth-Consciousness took up these signs

      To pass them on to some divine child Heart

      That looked on them with laughter and delight

      And joyed in these transcendent images

      Living and real as the truths they house.

      The Spirit’s white neutrality became

      A playground of miracles, a rendezvous

      For the secret powers of a mystic Timelessness:

      It made of Space a marvel house of God,

      It poured through Time its works of ageless might,

      Unveiled seen as a luring rapturous face

      The wonder and beauty of its Love and Force.

      The eternal Goddess moved in her cosmic house

      Sporting with God as a Mother with her child:

      To him the universe was her bosom of love,

      His toys were the immortal verities.

      All here self-lost had there its divine place.

      The Powers that here betray our hearts and err,

      Were there sovereign in truth, perfect in joy,

      Masters in a creation without flaw,

      Possessors of their own infinitude.

      There Mind, a splendid sun of vision’s rays,

      Shaped substance by the glory of its thoughts

      And moved amidst the grandeur of its dreams.

      Imagination’s great ensorcelling rod

      Summoned the unknown and gave to it a home,

      Outspread luxuriantly in golden air

      Truth’s iris-coloured wings of fantasy,

      Or sang to the intuitive heart of joy

      Wonder’s dream-notes that bring the Real close.

      Its power that makes the unknowable near and true,

      In the temple of the ideal shrined the One:

      It peopled thought and mind and happy sense

      Filled with bright aspects of the might of God

      And living persons of the one Supreme,

      The speech that voices the ineffable,

      The ray revealing unseen Presences,

      The virgin forms through which the Formless shines,

      The Word that ushers divine experience

      And the Ideas that crowd the Infinite.

      There was no gulf between the thought and fact,

      Ever they replied like bird to calling bird;

      The will obeyed the thought, the act the will.

      There was a harmony woven twixt soul and soul.

      A marriage with eternity divinised Time.

      There Life pursued, unwearied of her sport,

      Joy in her heart and laughter on her lips,

      The bright adventure of God’s game of chance.

      In her ingenious ardour of caprice,

      In her transfiguring mirth she mapped on Time

      A fascinating puzzle of events,

      Lured at each turn by new vicissitudes

      To self-discovery that could never cease.

      Ever she framed stark bonds for the will to break,

      Brought new creations for the thought’s surprise

      And passionate ventures for the heart to dare,

      Where Truth recurred with an unexpected face

      Or else repeated old familiar joy

      Like the return of a delightful rhyme.

      At hide-and-seek on a Mother-Wisdom’s breast,

      An artist teeming with her world-idea,

      She never could exhaust its numberless thoughts

      And vast adventure into thinking shapes

      And trial and lure of a new living’s dreams.

      Untired of sameness and untired of change,

      Endlessly she unrolled her moving act,

      A mystery drama of divine delight,

      A living poem of world-ecstasy,

      A kakemono of significant forms,

      A coiled perspective of developing scenes,

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