Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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an unspoken joy;

      Mind, members, life were merged in ecstasy.

      Intoxicated as with nectarous rain

      His nature’s passioning stretches flowed to her,

      Flashing with lightnings, mad with luminous wine.

      All was a limitless sea that heaved to the moon.

      A divinising stream possessed his veins,

      His body’s cells awoke to spirit sense,

      Each nerve became a burning thread of joy:

      Tissue and flesh partook beatitude.

      Alight, the dun unplumbed subconscient caves

      Thrilled with the prescience of her longed-for tread

      And filled with flickering crests and praying tongues.

      Even lost in slumber, mute, inanimate

      His very body answered to her power.

      The One he worshipped was within him now:

      Flame-pure, ethereal-tressed, a mighty Face

      Appeared and lips moved by immortal words;

      Lids, Wisdom’s leaves, drooped over rapture’s orbs.

      A marble monument of ponderings, shone

      A forehead, sight’s crypt, and large like ocean’s gaze

      Towards Heaven, two tranquil eyes of boundless thought

      Looked into man’s and saw the god to come.

      A Shape was seen on threshold Mind, a Voice

      Absolute and wise in the heart’s chambers spoke:

      “O Son of Strength who climbst creation’s peaks,

      No soul is thy companion in the light;

      Alone thou standest at the eternal doors.

      What thou hast won is thine, but ask no more.

      O Spirit aspiring in an ignorant frame,

      O Voice arisen from the Inconscient’s world,

      How shalt thou speak for men whose hearts are dumb,

      Make purblind earth the soul’s seer-vision’s home

      Or lighten the burden of the senseless globe?

      I am the Mystery beyond reach of mind,

      I am the goal of the travail of the suns;

      My fire and sweetness are the cause of life.

      But too immense my danger and my joy.

      Awake not the immeasurable descent,

      Speak not my secret name to hostile Time;

      Man is too weak to bear the Infinite’s weight.

      Truth born too soon might break the imperfect earth.

      Leave the all-seeing Power to hew its way:

      In thy single vast achievement reign apart

      Helping the world with thy great lonely days.

      I ask thee not to merge thy heart of flame

      In the Immobile’s wide uncaring bliss,

      Turned from the fruitless motion of the years,

      Deserting the fierce labour of the worlds,

      Aloof from beings, lost in the Alone.

      How shall thy mighty spirit brook repose

      While Death is still unconquered on the earth

      And Time a field of suffering and pain?

      Thy soul was born to share the laden Force;

      Obey thy nature and fulfil thy fate:

      Accept the difficulty and godlike toil,

      For the slow-paced omniscient purpose live.

      The Enigma’s knot is tied in humankind.

      A lightning from the heights that think and plan,

      Ploughing the air of life with vanishing trails,

      Man, sole awake in an unconscious world,

      Aspires in vain to change the cosmic dream.

      Arrived from some half-luminous Beyond

      He is a stranger in the mindless vasts;

      A traveller in his oft-shifting home

      Amid the tread of many infinities,

      He has pitched a tent of life in desert Space.

      Heaven’s fixed regard beholds him from above,

      In the house of Nature a perturbing guest,

      A voyager twixt Thought’s inconstant shores,

      A hunter of unknown and beautiful Powers,

      A nomad of the far mysterious Light,

      In the wide ways a little spark of God.

      Against his spirit all is in dire league,

      A Titan influence stops his Godward gaze.

      Around him hungers the unpitying Void,

      The eternal Darkness seeks him with her hands,

      Inscrutable Energies drive him and deceive,

      Immense implacable deities oppose.

      An inert Soul and a somnambulist Force

      Have made a world estranged from life and thought;

      The Dragon of the dark foundations keeps

      Unalterable the law of Chance and Death;

      On his long way through Time and Circumstance

      The grey-hued riddling nether shadow-Sphinx,

      Her dreadful paws upon the swallowing sands,

      Awaits him armed with the soul-slaying word:


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