Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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now seemed that dim far universe,

      Self and eternity alone were true.

      Then memory climbed to him from the striving planes

      Bringing a cry from once-loved cherished things,

      And to the cry as to its own lost call

      A ray replied from the occult Supreme.

      For even there the boundless Oneness dwells.

      To its own sight unrecognisable,

      It lived still sunk in its own tenebrous seas,

      Upholding the world’s inconscient unity

      Hidden in Matter’s insentient multitude.

      This seed-self sown in the Indeterminate

      Forfeits its glory of divinity,

      Concealing the omnipotence of its Force,

      Concealing the omniscience of its Soul;

      An agent of its own transcendent Will,

      It merges knowledge in the inconscient deep;

      Accepting error, sorrow, death and pain,

      It pays the ransom of the ignorant Night,

      Redeeming by its substance Nature’s fall.

      Himself he knew and why his soul had gone

      Into earth’s passionate obscurity

      To share the labour of an errant Power

      Which by division hopes to find the One.

      Two beings he was, one wide and free above,

      One struggling, bound, intense, its portion here.

      A tie between them still could bridge two worlds;

      There was a dim response, a distant breath;

      All had not ceased in the unbounded hush.

      His heart lay somewhere conscious and alone

      Far down below him like a lamp in night;

      Abandoned it lay, alone, imperishable,

      Immobile with excess of passionate will,

      His living, sacrificed and offered heart

      Absorbed in adoration mystical,

      Turned to its far-off fount of light and love.

      In the luminous stillness of its mute appeal

      It looked up to the heights it could not see;

      It yearned from the longing depths it could not leave.

      In the centre of his vast and fateful trance

      Half-way between his free and fallen selves,

      Interceding twixt God’s day and the mortal’s night,

      Accepting worship as its single law,

      Accepting bliss as the sole cause of things,

      Refusing the austere joy which none can share,

      Refusing the calm that lives for calm alone,

      To her it turned for whom it willed to be.

      In the passion of its solitary dream

      It lay like a closed soundless oratory

      Where sleeps a consecrated argent floor

      Lit by a single and untrembling ray

      And an invisible Presence kneels in prayer.

      On some deep breast of liberating peace

      All else was satisfied with quietude;

      This only knew there was a truth beyond.

      All other parts were dumb in centred sleep

      Consenting to the slow deliberate Power

      Which tolerates the world’s error and its grief,

      Consenting to the cosmic long delay,

      Timelessly waiting through the patient years

      Her coming they had asked for earth and men;

      This was the fiery point that called her now.

      Extinction could not quench that lonely fire;

      Its seeing filled the blank of mind and will;

      Thought dead, its changeless force abode and grew.

      Armed with the intuition of a bliss

      To which some moved tranquillity was the key,

      It persevered through life’s huge emptiness

      Amid the blank denials of the world.

      It sent its voiceless prayer to the Unknown;

      It listened for the footsteps of its hopes

      Returning through the void immensities,

      It waited for the fiat of the Word

      That comes through the still self from the Supreme.

      End of Canto Three

      Canto Four

      The Vision and the Boon

      Then suddenly there rose a sacred stir.

      Amid the lifeless silence of the Void

      In a solitude and an immensity

      A sound came quivering like a loved footfall

      Heard in the listening spaces of the soul;

      A touch perturbed his fibres with delight.

      An Influence had approached the mortal range,

      A boundless Heart was near his longing heart,

      A mystic Form enveloped his earthly shape.

      All at her contact broke from silence’ seal;

      Spirit and body thrilled identified,


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