Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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infinitesimal wave-sparks’ weaving dance,

      Its nebulous units grounding shape and mass,

      Magic foundation and pattern of a world,

      Its radiance bursting into the light of stars;

      He felt a sap of life, a sap of death;

      Into solid Matter’s dense communion

      Plunging and its obscure oneness of forms

      He shared with a dumb Spirit identity.

      He beheld the cosmic Being at his task,

      His eyes measured the spaces, gauged the depths,

      His inner gaze the movements of the soul,

      He saw the eternal labour of the Gods,

      And looked upon the life of beasts and men.

      A change now fell upon the singer’s mood,

      A rapture and a pathos moved his voice;

      He sang no more of Light that never wanes,

      And oneness and pure everlasting bliss,

      He sang no more the deathless heart of Love,

      His chant was a hymn of Ignorance and Fate.

      He sang the name of Vishnu and the birth

      And joy and passion of the mystic world,

      And how the stars were made and life began

      And the mute regions stirred with the throb of a Soul.

      He sang the Inconscient and its secret self,

      Its power omnipotent knowing not what it does,

      All-shaping without will or thought or sense,

      Its blind unerring occult mystery,

      And darkness yearning towards the eternal Light,

      And Love that broods within the dim abyss

      And waits the answer of the human heart,

      And death that climbs to immortality.

      He sang of the Truth that cries from Night’s blind deeps,

      And the Mother-Wisdom hid in Nature’s breast

      And the Idea that through her dumbness works

      And the miracle of her transforming hands,

      Of life that slumbers in the stone and sun

      And Mind subliminal in mindless life,

      And the Consciousness that wakes in beasts and men.

      He sang of the glory and marvel still to be born,

      Of Godhead throwing off at last its veil,

      Of bodies made divine and life made bliss,

      Immortal sweetness clasping immortal might,

      Heart sensing heart, thought looking straight at thought,

      And the delight when every barrier falls,

      And the transfiguration and the ecstasy.

      And as he sang the demons wept with joy

      Foreseeing the end of their long dreadful task

      And the defeat for which they hoped in vain,

      And glad release from their self-chosen doom

      And return into the One from whom they came.

      He who has conquered the Immortals’ seats,

      Came down to men on earth the Man divine.

      As darts a lightning streak, a glory fell

      Nearing until the rapt eyes of the sage

      Looked out from luminous cloud and, strangely limned,

      His face, a beautiful mask of antique joy,

      Appearing in light descended where arose

      King Aswapati’s palace to the winds

      In Madra, flowering up in delicate stone.

      There welcomed him the sage and thoughtful king,

      At his side a creature beautiful, passionate, wise,

      Aspiring like a sacrificial flame

      Skyward from its earth-seat through luminous air,

      Queen-browed, the human mother of Savitri.

      There for an hour untouched by the earth’s siege

      They ceased from common life and care and sat

      Inclining to the high and rhythmic voice,

      While in his measured chant the heavenly seer

      Spoke of the toils of men and what the gods

      Strive for on earth, and joy that throbs behind

      The marvel and the mystery of pain.

      He sang to them of the lotus-heart of love

      With all its thousand luminous buds of truth,

      Which quivering sleeps veiled by apparent things.

      It trembles at each touch, it strives to wake

      And one day it shall hear a blissful voice

      And in the garden of the Spouse shall bloom

      When she is seized by her discovered lord.

      A mighty shuddering coil of ecstasy

      Crept through the deep heart of the universe.

      Out of her Matter’s stupor, her mind’s dreams,

      She woke, she looked upon God’s unveiled face.

      Even as he sang and rapture stole through earth-time

      And caught the heavens, came with a call of hooves,

      As of her swift heart hastening, Savitri;

      Her radiant tread glimmered across the floor.

      A happy wonder

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