Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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were they in each other lost awhile,

      Then drawing back from their long ecstasy’s trance

      Came into a new self and a new world.

      Each now was a part of the other’s unity,

      The world was but their twin self-finding’s scene

      Or their own wedded being’s vaster frame.

      On the high glowing cupola of the day

      Fate tied a knot with morning’s halo threads

      While by the ministry of an auspice-hour

      Heart-bound before the sun, their marriage fire,

      The wedding of the eternal Lord and Spouse

      Took place again on earth in human forms:

      In a new act of the drama of the world

      The united Two began a greater age.

      In the silence and murmur of that emerald world

      And the mutter of the priest-wind’s sacred verse,

      Amid the choral whispering of the leaves

      Love’s twain had joined together and grew one.

      The natural miracle was wrought once more:

      In the immutable ideal world

      One human moment was eternal made.

      Then down the narrow path where their lives had met

      He led and showed to her her future world,

      Love’s refuge and corner of happy solitude.

      At the path’s end through a green cleft in the trees

      She saw a clustering line of hermit-roofs

      And looked now first on her heart’s future home,

      The thatch that covered the life of Satyavan.

      Adorned with creepers and red climbing flowers

      It seemed a sylvan beauty in her dreams

      Slumbering with brown body and tumbled hair

      In her chamber inviolate of emerald peace.

      Around it stretched the forest’s anchorite mood

      Lost in the depths of its own solitude.

      Then moved by the deep joy she could not speak,

      A little depth of it quivering in her words,

      Her happy voice cried out to Satyavan:

      “My heart will stay here on this forest verge

      And close to this thatched roof while I am far:

      Now of more wandering it has no need.

      But I must haste back to my father’s house

      Which soon will lose one loved accustomed tread

      And listen in vain for a once cherished voice.

      For soon I shall return nor ever again

      Oneness must sever its recovered bliss

      Or fate sunder our lives while life is ours.”

      Once more she mounted on the carven car

      And under the ardour of a fiery noon

      Less bright than the splendour of her thoughts and dreams

      She sped swift-reined, swift-hearted but still saw

      In still lucidities of sight’s inner world

      Through the cool-scented wood’s luxurious gloom

      On shadowy paths between great rugged trunks

      Pace towards a tranquil clearing Satyavan.

      A nave of trees enshrined the hermit thatch,

      The new deep covert of her felicity,

      Preferred to heaven her soul’s temple and home.

      This now remained with her, her heart’s constant scene.

      End of Canto Three

      End of Book Five

      BOOK SIX

The Book of Fate

      Canto One

      The Word of Fate

      In silent bounds bordering the mortal’s plane

      Crossing a wide expanse of brilliant peace

      Narad the heavenly sage from Paradise

      Came chanting through the large and lustrous air.

      Attracted by the golden summer-earth

      That lay beneath him like a glowing bowl

      Tilted upon a table of the Gods,

      Turning as if moved round by an unseen hand

      To catch the warmth and blaze of a small sun,

      He passed from the immortals’ happy paths

      To a world of toil and quest and grief and hope,

      To these rooms of the see-saw game of death with life.

      Across an intangible border of soul-space

      He passed from Mind into material things

      Amid the inventions of the inconscient Self

      And the workings of a blind somnambulist Force.

      Below him circling burned the myriad suns:

      He bore the ripples of the etheric sea;

      A primal Air brought the first joy of touch;

      A secret Spirit drew its mighty breath

      Contracting and expanding this huge world

      In its formidable circuit through the Void;

      The secret might of the creative Fire

      Displayed its triple power to build and form,

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