Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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pushed up beyond death’s hungry reach,

      Life’s tops shall flame with the Immortal’s thoughts,

      Light shall invade the darkness of its base.

      Then in the process of evolving Time

      All shall be drawn into a single plan,

      A divine harmony shall be earth’s law,

      Beauty and joy remould her way to live:

      Even the body shall remember God,

      Nature shall draw back from mortality

      And Spirit’s fires shall guide the earth’s blind force;

      Knowledge shall bring into the aspirant Thought

      A high proximity to Truth and God.

      The supermind shall claim the world for Light

      And thrill with love of God the enamoured heart

      And place Light’s crown on Nature’s lifted head

      And found Light’s reign on her unshaking base.

      A greater truth than earth’s shall roof-in earth

      And shed its sunlight on the roads of mind;

      A power infallible shall lead the thought,

      A seeing Puissance govern life and act,

      In earthly hearts kindle the Immortal’s fire.

      A soul shall wake in the Inconscient’s house;

      The mind shall be God-vision’s tabernacle,

      The body intuition’s instrument,

      And life a channel for God’s visible power.

      All earth shall be the Spirit’s manifest home,

      Hidden no more by the body and the life,

      Hidden no more by the mind’s ignorance;

      An unerring Hand shall shape event and act.

      The Spirit’s eyes shall look through Nature’s eyes,

      The Spirit’s force shall occupy Nature’s force.

      This world shall be God’s visible garden-house,

      The earth shall be a field and camp of God,

      Man shall forget consent to mortality

      And his embodied frail impermanence.

      This universe shall unseal its occult sense,

      Creation’s process change its antique front,

      An ignorant evolution’s hierarchy

      Release the Wisdom chained below its base.

      The Spirit shall be the master of his world

      Lurking no more in form’s obscurity

      And Nature shall reverse her action’s rule,

      The outward world disclose the Truth it veils;

      All things shall manifest the covert God,

      All shall reveal the Spirit’s light and might

      And move to its destiny of felicity.

      Even should a hostile force cling to its reign

      And claim its right’s perpetual sovereignty

      And man refuse his high spiritual fate,

      Yet shall the secret Truth in things prevail.

      For in the march of all-fulfilling Time

      The hour must come of the Transcendent’s will:

      All turns and winds towards his predestined ends

      In Nature’s fixed inevitable course

      Decreed since the beginning of the worlds

      In the deep essence of created things:

      Even there shall come as a high crown of all

      The end of Death, the death of Ignorance.

      But first high Truth must set her feet on earth

      And man aspire to the Eternal’s light

      And all his members feel the Spirit’s touch

      And all his life obey an inner Force.

      This too shall be; for a new life shall come,

      A body of the Superconscient’s truth,

      A native field of Supernature’s mights:

      It shall make earth’s nescient ground Truth’s colony,

      Make even the Ignorance a transparent robe

      Through which shall shine the brilliant limbs of Truth

      And Truth shall be a sun on Nature’s head

      And Truth shall be the guide of Nature’s steps

      And Truth shall gaze out of her nether deeps.

      When superman is born as Nature’s king

      His presence shall transfigure Matter’s world:

      He shall light up Truth’s fire in Nature’s night,

      He shall lay upon the earth Truth’s greater law;

      Man too shall turn towards the Spirit’s call.

      Awake to his hidden possibility,

      Awake to all that slept within his heart

      And all that Nature meant when earth was formed

      And the Spirit made this ignorant world his home,

      He shall aspire to Truth and God and Bliss.

      Interpreter of a diviner law

      And instrument of a supreme design,

      The higher kind shall lean to lift up man.

      Man shall desire to climb to his own heights.

      The truth above shall wake a nether truth,


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