Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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sentient force.

      The Spirit’s tops and Nature’s base shall draw

      Near to the secret of their separate truth

      And know each other as one deity.

      The Spirit shall look out through Matter’s gaze

      And Matter shall reveal the Spirit’s face.

      Then man and superman shall be at one

      And all the earth become a single life.

      Even the multitude shall hear the Voice

      And turn to commune with the Spirit within

      And strive to obey the high spiritual law:

      This earth shall stir with impulses sublime,

      Humanity awake to deepest self,

      Nature the hidden godhead recognise.

      Even the many shall some answer make

      And bear the splendour of the Divine’s rush

      And his impetuous knock at unseen doors.

      A heavenlier passion shall upheave men’s lives,

      Their mind shall share in the ineffable gleam,

      Their heart shall feel the ecstasy and the fire.

      Earth’s bodies shall be conscious of a soul;

      Mortality’s bondslaves shall unloose their bonds,

      Mere men into spiritual beings grow

      And see awake the dumb divinity.

      Intuitive beams shall touch the nature’s peaks,

      A revelation stir the nature’s depths;

      The Truth shall be the leader of their lives,

      Truth shall dictate their thought and speech and act,

      They shall feel themselves lifted nearer to the sky,

      As if a little lower than the gods.

      For knowledge shall pour down in radiant streams

      And even darkened mind quiver with new life

      And kindle and burn with the Ideal’s fire

      And turn to escape from mortal ignorance.

      The frontiers of the Ignorance shall recede,

      More and more souls shall enter into light,

      Minds lit, inspired, the occult summoner hear

      And lives blaze with a sudden inner flame

      And hearts grow enamoured of divine delight

      And human wills tune to the divine will,

      These separate selves the Spirit’s oneness feel,

      These senses of heavenly sense grow capable,

      The flesh and nerves of a strange ethereal joy

      And mortal bodies of immortality.

      A divine force shall flow through tissue and cell

      And take the charge of breath and speech and act

      And all the thoughts shall be a glow of suns

      And every feeling a celestial thrill.

      Often a lustrous inner dawn shall come

      Lighting the chambers of the slumbering mind;

      A sudden bliss shall run through every limb

      And Nature with a mightier Presence fill.

      Thus shall the earth open to divinity

      And common natures feel the wide uplift,

      Illumine common acts with the Spirit’s ray

      And meet the deity in common things.

      Nature shall live to manifest secret God,

      The Spirit shall take up the human play,

      This earthly life become the life divine.”

      The measure of that subtle music ceased.

      Down with a hurried swimming floating lapse

      Through unseen worlds and bottomless spaces forced

      Sank like a star the soul of Savitri.

      Amidst a laughter of unearthly lyres

      She heard around her nameless voices cry

      Triumphing, an innumerable sound.

      A choir of rushing winds to meet her came.

      She bore the burden of infinity

      And felt the stir of all ethereal space.

      Pursuing her in her fall, implacably sweet,

      A face was over her which seemed a youth’s,

      Symbol of all the beauty eyes see not,

      Crowned as with peacock plumes of gorgeous hue

      Framing a sapphire, whose heart-disturbing smile

      Insatiably attracted to delight,

      Voluptuous to the embraces of her soul.

      Changed in its shape, yet rapturously the same,

      It grew a woman’s dark and beautiful

      Like a mooned night with drifting star-gemmed clouds,

      A shadowy glory and a stormy depth,

      Turbulent in will and terrible in love.

      Eyes in which Nature’s blind ecstatic life

      Sprang from some spirit’s passionate content,

      Missioned her to the whirling dance of earth.

      Amidst the headlong rapture of her fall

      Held like a bird in a child’s satisfied hands,

      In an enamoured grasp her spirit strove

      Admitting no release till Time should end,


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