Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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in musing bliss she lay awhile

      Given to the wonder of a waking trance;

      Half-risen then she sent her gaze around,

      As if to recover old sweet trivial threads,

      Old happy thoughts, small treasured memories,

      And weave them into one immortal day.

      Ever she held on the paradise of her breast

      Her lover charmed into a fathomless sleep,

      Lain like an infant spirit unaware

      Lulled on the verge of two consenting worlds.

      But soon she leaned down over her loved to call

      His mind back to her with her travelling touch

      On his closed eyelids; settled was her still look

      Of strong delight, not yearning now, but large

      With limitless joy or sovereign last content,

      Pure, passionate with the passion of the gods.

      Desire stirred not its wings; for all was made

      An overarching of celestial rays

      Like the absorbed control of sky on plain,

      Heaven’s leaning down to embrace from all sides earth,

      A quiet rapture, a vast security.

      Then sighing to her touch the soft-winged sleep

      Rose hovering from his flowerlike lids and flew

      Murmurous away. Awake, he found her eyes

      Waiting for his, and felt her hands, and saw

      The earth his home given back to him once more

      And her made his again, his passion’s all.

      With his arms’ encircling hold around her locked,

      A living knot to make possession close,

      He murmured with hesitating lips her name,

      And vaguely recollecting wonder cried,

      “Whence hast thou brought me captive back, love-chained,

      To thee and sunlight’s walls, O golden beam

      And casket of all sweetness, Savitri,

      Godhead and woman, moonlight of my soul?

      For surely I have travelled in strange worlds

      By thee companioned, a pursuing spirit,

      Together we have disdained the gates of night.

      I have turned away from the celestials’ joy

      And heaven’s insufficient without thee.

      Where now has passed that formidable Shape

      Which rose against us, the Spirit of the Void,

      Claiming the world for Death and Nothingness,

      Denying God and soul? Or was all a dream

      Or a vision seen in a spiritual sleep,

      A symbol of the oppositions of Time

      Or a mind-lit beacon of significance

      In some stress of darkness lighting on the Way

      Or guiding a swimmer through the straits of Death,

      Or finding with the succour of its ray

      In a gully mid the crowded streets of Chance

      The soul that into the world-adventure came,

      A scout and voyager from Eternity?”

      But she replied, “Our parting was the dream;

      We are together, we live, O Satyavan.

      Look round thee and behold, glad and unchanged

      Our home, this forest with its thousand cries

      And the whisper of the wind among the leaves

      And, through rifts in emerald scene, the evening sky,

      God’s canopy of blue sheltering our lives,

      And the birds crying for heart’s happiness,

      Winged poets of our solitary reign,

      Our friends on earth where we are king and queen.

      Only our souls have left Death’s night behind,

      Changed by a mighty dream’s reality,

      Illumined by the light of symbol worlds

      And the stupendous summit self of things,

      And stood at Godhead’s gates limitless, free.”

      Then filled with the glory of their happiness

      They rose and with safe clinging fingers locked

      Hung on each other in a silent look.

      But he with a new wonder in his heart

      And a new flame of worship in his eyes:

      “What high change is in thee, O Savitri? Bright

      Ever thou wast, a goddess still and pure,

      Yet dearer to me by thy sweet human parts

      Earth gave thee making thee yet more divine.

      My adoration mastered, my desire

      Bent down to make its subject, my daring clasped,

      Claiming by body and soul my life’s estate,

      Rapture’s possession, love’s sweet property,

      A statue of silence in my templed spirit,

      A yearning godhead and a golden bride.

      But now thou seemst almost too high and great

      For mortal worship; Time lies below thy feet

      And the whole world seems only a part of thee,

      Thy presence the hushed heaven I inhabit,

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