Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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priest and sage:

      “O woman soul, what light, what power revealed,

      Working the rapid marvels of this day,

      Opens for us by thee a happier age?”

      Her lashes fluttering upwards gathered in

      To a vision which had scanned immortal things,

      Rejoicing, human forms for their delight.

      They claimed for their deep childlike motherhood

      The life of all these souls to be her life,

      Then falling veiled the light. Low she replied,

      “Awakened to the meaning of my heart

      That to feel love and oneness is to live

      And this the magic of our golden change,

      Is all the truth I know or seek, O sage.”

      Wondering at her and her too luminous words

      Westward they turned in the fast-gathering night.

      From the entangling verges freed they came

      Into a dimness of the sleeping earth

      And travelled through her faint and slumbering plains.

      Murmur and movement and the tread of men

      Broke the night’s solitude; the neigh of steeds

      Rose from that indistinct and voiceful sea

      Of life and all along its marchings swelled

      The rhyme of hooves, the chariot’s homeward voice.

      Drawn by white manes upon a high-roofed car

      In flare of the unsteady torches went

      With linked hands Satyavan and Savitri,

      Hearing a marriage march and nuptial hymn,

      Where waited them the many-voiced human world.

      Numberless the stars swam on their shadowy field

      Describing in the gloom the ways of light.

      Then while they skirted yet the southward verge,

      Lost in the halo of her musing brows

      Night, splendid with the moon dreaming in heaven

      In silver peace, possessed her luminous reign.

      She brooded through her stillness on a thought

      Deep-guarded by her mystic folds of light,

      And in her bosom nursed a greater dawn.

      The End


      Eine Legende und ein Symbol





      Bücher I - III


      Das Buch von den Anfängen

      Erster Canto

       Das Sinnbild Morgendämmerung

      Zweiter Canto

       Der Auftrag

      Dritter Canto

       Der Yoga des Königs: Der Yoga von der Befreiung der Seele

      Vierter Canto

       Das geheime Wissen

      Fünfter Canto

       Der Yoga des Königs: Der Yoga von der Freiheit und Größe des Geistes


      Das Buch vom Weltenwanderer

      Erster Canto

       Die Weltentreppe

      Zweiter Canto

       Das Königreich der subtilen Materie

      Dritter Canto

       Glanz und Fall des Lebens

      Vierter Canto

       Die Königreiche des kleinen Lebens

      Fünfter Canto

       Die Gottheiten des kleinen Lebens

      Sechster Canto

       Die Königreiche und Gottheiten des größeren Lebens

      Siebter Canto

       Der Abstieg in die Nacht

      Achter Canto

       Die Welt der Falschheit, die Mutter des Bösen und die Söhne der Finsternis

      Neunter Canto

       Das Paradies der Lebens-Götter

      Zehnter Canto

       Die Königreiche und Gottheiten des kleinen Mentals

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