The Danger Mark. Robert W. Chambers

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The Danger Mark - Robert W. Chambers

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      "Was it really more absurd flattery?"

      "No, never mind. … " He leaned back in his chair, absently turning the curious, heavily chiselled ring on his little finger, but every few moments his expressive eyes reverted to her. She was eating her ice with all the frank enjoyment of a schoolgirl.

      "Do you know, Miss Seagrave, that you and I are really equipped for better things than talking nonsense."

      "I know that I am," she observed. … "Isn't this spun sugar delicious!"

      "Yes; and so are you."

      But she pretended not to hear.

      He laughed, then fell silent; his dreamy gaze shifted from vacancy to her—and, casually, across the room, where it settled lightly as a butterfly on his wife, and there it poised for a moment's inexpressive examination. Scott Seagrave was talking to Rosalie; she did not notice her husband.

      After that, with easy nonchalance approaching impudence, he turned to his own neglected dinner partner, Sylvia Quest, who received his tardy attentions with childish irritation. She didn't know any better. And there was now no time to patch up matters, for the signal to rise had been given and Dysart took Sylvia to the door with genuine relief. She bored him dreadfully since she had become sentimental over him. They always did.

      Lounging back through the rising haze of tobacco-smoke he encountered Peter Tappan and stopped to exchange a word.

      "Dancing?" he inquired, lighting his cigarette.

      Tappan nodded. "You, too, of course." For Dysart was one of those types known in society as a "dancing man." He also led cotillions, and a morally blameless life as far as the more virile Commandments were concerned.

      He said: "That little Seagrave girl is rather fetching."

      Tappan answered indifferently:

      "She resembles the general run of this year's output. She's weedy. They all ought to marry before they go about to dinners, anyway."

      "Marry whom?"

      "Anybody—Delancy, here, for instance. You know as well as I do that no woman is possible unless she's married," yawned Tappan. "Isn't that so, Delancy?" clapping Grandcourt on the shoulder.

      Grandcourt said "yes," to be rid of him; but Dysart turned around with his usual smile of amused contempt.

      "You think so, too, Delancy," he said, "because what is obvious and ready-made appeals to you. You think as you eat—heavily—and you miss a few things. That little Seagrave girl is charming. But you'd never discover it."

      Grandcourt slowly removed the fat cigar from his lips, rolled it meditatively between thick forefinger and thumb:

      "Do you know, Jack, that you've been saying that sort of thing to me for a number of years?"

      "Yes; and it's just as true now as it ever was, old fellow."

      "That may be; but did it ever occur to you that I might get tired hearing it. … And might, possibly, resent it some day?"

      For a long time Dysart had been uncomfortably conscious that Grandcourt had had nearly enough of his half-sneering, half-humourous frankness. His liking for Grandcourt, even as a schoolboy, had invariably been tinged with tolerance and good-humoured contempt. Dysart had always led in everything; taken what he chose without considering Grandcourt—sometimes out of sheer perversity, he had taken what Grandcourt wanted—not really wanting it himself—as in the case of Rosalie Dene.

      "What are you talking about resenting?—my monopolising your dinner partner?" asked Dysart, smiling. "Take her; amuse yourself. I don't want her."

      Grandcourt inspected his cigar again. "I'm tired of that sort of thing, too," he said.

      "What sort of thing?"

      "Contenting myself with what you don't want."

      Dysart lit a cigarette, still smiling, then shrugged and turned as though to go. Around them through the smoke rose the laughing clamour of young men gathering at the exit.

      "I want to tell you something," said Grandcourt heavily. "I'm an ass to do it, but I want to tell you."

      Dysart halted patiently.

      "It's this," went on Grandcourt: "between you and my mother, I've never had a chance; she makes me out a fool and you have always assumed it to be true."

      Dysart glanced at him with amused contempt.

      A heavy flush rose to Grandcourt's cheek-bones. He said slowly:

      "I want my chance. You had better let me have it when it comes."

      "What chance do you mean?"

      "I mean—a woman. All my life you've been at my elbow to step in. You took what you wanted—your shadow always falls between me and anybody I'm inclined to like. … It happened to-night—as usual. … And I tell you now, at last, I'm tired of it."

      "What a ridiculous idea you seem to have of me," began Dysart, laughing.

      "I'm afraid of you. I always was. Now—let me alone!"

      "Have you ever known me, since I've been married—" He caught Grandcourt's eye, stammered, and stopped short. Then: "You certainly are absurd. Delancy! I wouldn't deliberately interfere with you or disturb a young girl's peace of mind. The trouble with you is——"

      "The trouble with you is that women take to you very quickly, and you are always trying to see how far you can arouse their interest. What's the use of risking heartaches to satisfy curiosity?"

      "Oh, I don't have heartaches!" said Dysart, intensely amused.

      "I wasn't thinking of you. I suppose that's the reason you find it amusing. … Not that I think there's any real harm in you——"

      "Thanks," laughed Dysart; "it only needed that remark to damn me utterly. Now go and dance with little Miss Seagrave, and don't worry about my trying to interfere."

      Grandcourt looked sullenly at him. "I'm sorry I spoke, now," he said. "I never know enough to hold my tongue to you."

      He turned bulkily on his heel and left the dining-hall. There were others, in throngs, leaving—young, eager-faced fellows, with a scattering of the usual "dancing" men on whom everybody could always count, and a few middle-aged gentlemen and women of the younger married set to give stability to what was, otherwise, a débutante's affair.

      Dysart, strolling about, booked a dance or two, performed creditably, made his peace, for the sake of peace, with Sylvia Quest, whose ignorant heart had been partly awakened under his idle investigations. But this was Sylvia's second season, and she would no doubt learn several things of which she heretofore had been unaware. Just at present, however, her heart was very full, and life's outlook was indeed tragic to a young girl who believed herself wildly in love with a married man, and who employed all her unhappy wits in the task of concealing it.

      A load of guilt lay upon her soul; the awful fact that she

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