The Art of Waking People Up. Kenneth Cloke

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The Art of Waking People Up - Kenneth  Cloke

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most employees choose security over self-actualization and are frightened and hostile toward those who take a different path.

      Though there are clearly risks involved in waking up and living authentically, there are far greater risks in failing to do so, including the risk of losing what is most important in life—our unique characters, our capacity for awareness, and our ability to engage in collaborative relationships with others. This deeper risk led the German writer Goethe to warn, “The dangers in life are infinite, and among them is safety” (emphasis added).

      This suggests another set of underlying questions: What would it mean to be awake, aware, authentic, congruent, and committed every day at work? What would we do differently? What organizational cultures, structures, systems, processes, and techniques would we change? How would we go about changing them? How would we treat those with whom we disagree? How would we approach each task? How would our attitudes change? Who would we become as a result? These questions lead in turn to our two final questions: Why wait? And why not start now?

      Our goal in waking ourselves and others up is not to produce conformity to some abstract, idealized managerial model of the perfect employee. Rather, it is to assist ourselves in becoming more fully, deeply, and authentically who we are, so we can bring more of ourselves to our work. It is to create relationships of trust, environments of learning, and organizational structures, systems, cultures, and processes that allow us to self-correct and achieve balance in our lives, and be able to learn from every work experience in ways that improve our capacity for perception, understanding, growth, learning, and change.

      Actually, it is precisely our flaws, complexities, and diversities that make us empathetic, interesting, and adaptable. Our mistakes, glitches, and blemishes are enormous sources of creativity that can help us locate fresh solutions to seemingly intractable problems. The English novelist D. H. Lawrence attacked with a vengeance the simplistic approach to perfection that so often characterizes organizational efforts at personal improvement:

      The Perfectibility of Man! Ah heaven, what a dreary theme! The perfectibility of the Ford car! The perfectibility of which man? I am many men. Which of them are you going to perfect? I am not a mechanical contrivance. Education! Which of the various me’s do you propose to educate, and which do you propose to suppress?

      The ideal self! Oh, but I have a strange and fugitive self shut out and howling like a wolf or a coyote under the ideal windows. See the red eyes? This is the self which is coming into his own.

      The perfectibility of man, dear God! When every man as long as he remains alive is himself a multitude of conflicting men. Which of these do you choose to perfect at the expense of every other?

      Rather than aim at perfection or lofty, idealized, generic standards of behavior, a different approach would be for organizations to provide employees with the unique information, instructions, and support that allow them to do better at whatever it is they want to achieve. This means assisting them—not in accepting historically mandated conditions but in actively transforming these conditions and adapting them to their own visions, styles, and values. It means championing employees who do not conform to ideals of perfection but contribute in unique ways to their colleagues and organizations. It means encouraging people to see their imperfections as sources of learning, growth, and change. It means using turnaround feedback, coaching, mentoring, and assessment to wake people up, transform their organizations, and cultivate awareness and authenticity in their work.

      This may sound easy but is extremely difficult in practice, because it comes with a price. To get there, it is necessary to drop the mask, cut the crap, lose the pose, and become deeply honest—first with ourselves, then with others. We are required to invite disagreeable news, encourage painful feedback, and learn to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps; to take the risk of discovering and being who we actually are—not in isolation, but collaboratively with others. Freedom in this sense is not exercised against others but with and for them.

      In rapidly changing work environments, innumerable innovations falter or fail because prudence prompts us to settle for incremental modifications and minor improvements when wholesale transformations are demanded—not only in the things we do but in the ways we do them. To produce transformational results, we require approaches that uncover the real issues, tell the truth, speak in ways people can hear, and support people in doing what they believe is right.

      There is a fundamental difference between altering, improving, or correcting something and transforming it or turning it around. Turnaround and transformation are nonlinear, unpredictable, and discontinuous. They occur through choices, leaps of committed action, deep listening, subconscious perceptions, and instantaneous flashes of insight. They take place at a right angle to accepted truth, to what is, to who we think we are.

      A turnaround is a crossroads, a qualitative shift in how we see or think about a problem or in the way we go about solving it. And we are always at such a crossroads at every moment in our lives. Sometimes the crossroads seems faint and distant until events bring it into focus, forcing us to act.

      Because turning points are intrinsically unforeseeable, the turnaround approach to feedback, coaching, mentoring, and assessment demands an openness to the unexpected, a responsiveness to paradox and nuance, a search for hidden clues, and a willingness to be astonished. Fundamentally, it does not matter whether the shift is large or small. Small shifts can trigger enormous changes. The trick is to locate the levers, identify the catalysts, and allow learning to produce the acceleration and critical mass needed to break the grip of habit.

      The role of turnaround processes and techniques is not only to provide people with the information, encouragement, and support they need to confront their problems, it is to give them the honesty they have

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