The Art of Waking People Up. Kenneth Cloke

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The Art of Waking People Up - Kenneth  Cloke

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them to hear it. It is to inspire them to throw away their ideational and emotional crutches and learn to walk on their own, with support from others.

       • Negotiating clear boundaries and respecting those created by others, whether or not they respect yours

       • Speaking honestly and intimately about yourself and your mistakes

       • Being as sincere and unlimited with apologies as you are with honest feedback

       • Being consistent over time

       • Being open about problems and flexible about solutions

       • Empowering others to make decisions or making them collaboratively

       • Jointly agreeing on a vision or shared values or goals for your relationship

       • Making your actions congruous with your vision, values, and words

       • Encouraging teamwork, collaboration, and participation

       • Listening and empathizing with others even if they have not listened or empathized with you

       • Being dependable in crises or hard times

       • Participating in social interactions and sharing personal information about your life

       • Offering to sacrifice something important to you to achieve a larger goal

       • Treating everyone with unconditional respect

      Trust is a choice in every relationship. None of these actions will guarantee the restoration of broken trust, but they will make it more difficult to maintain distrust and gradually diminish trust-breaking behavior. Residue from past experiences, fears about the future, and incongruent behaviors in the present fuel feelings of distrust and block successful feedback, coaching, mentoring, and assessments, spinning employees into a downward spiral of anger and pain. Trust is rebuilt by focusing not on what the other person did or did not do but on critiquing one’s own behavior, improving one’s trustworthiness, and focusing attention not on words and promises but on actions, attitudes, and ways of being.

      We all live and work in a world we cannot fully trust, and must choose between three fundamental options regarding how to live in such a world and handle our distrust. We can approach whatever happens that does not match our expectations with a negative attitude and treat it as a burden, or we can approach it with a positive attitude and affirm its beneficial features, or we can transcend these categories, reject both, and end the ceaseless, complicated interplay between them.

Negative Positive Transcendent
Passive Active Engaged
Irresponsible Responsible Committed
Reactive Proactive Strategic
Uninterested Involved Intrigued
Asleep Relaxed Serene
Unaware Aware Alert
Impatient Patient Resolute
Self-centered Other-centered Interconnected
Dishonest Honest Have integrity
Resistant Accepting Enthusiastic
Stuck Flexible Agile
Alienated Popular Courageous
Confused Clear Confident

      When we are negative or unhappy about life or its circumstances, it is easy to become apathetic or cynical and simply give up. When we are positive or happy, we easily become

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