Urban Protest. Arve Hansen

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Urban Protest - Arve Hansen

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6.1.2 Physical Elements

       6.1.3 Social Elements

       6.2 Intermediary Variables

       6.2.1 Spatial Qualities

       6.2.2 The Political Environment

       6.3 Dependent Variables

       6.3.1 Emergence

       6.3.2 Realisation

       6.3.3 Impact

       Part II

       7 Prestudy

       7.1 Physical Space

       7.1.1 Spatial and Urban History

       7.1.2 Daily Use

       7.1.3 Protest Space

       7.2 Symbolic Value

       7.2.1 25 Years of Protest

       7.3 Function

       7.4 Conclusions

       8 Transitional Study

       8.1 A Spatial Perspective

       8.2 Belarusian Protests from Glasnost’ to Lukashenka

       8.3 Perceived elements

       8.3.1 October Square

       8.3.2 Independence Square

       8.4 Social Elements

       8.4.1 The Political Centre

       8.4.2 The People’s Centre

       8.4.3 Independence Square

       8.4.4 October Square

       8.5 Physical Elements

       8.5.1 October Square and Ploshcha 2006

       8.5.2 Independence Square and Ploshcha 2010

       8.6 Conclusions

       9 Main Study

       9.1 Towards a Spatial Perspective

       9.1.1 Spatial Elements

       9.1.2 Spatial Qualities and the Political Environment

       9.1.3 Protest Areas

       9.2 Moscow, Swamp Square and the March of Millions

       9.2.1 The Political Environment of Moscow

       9.2.2 Public Spaces in Moscow

       9.2.3 The Elements

       9.2.4 Spatial Qualities

       9.2.5 Emergence, Realization, Impact

       9.3 Conclusions

       Part III

       10 To Paris and Beyond

       10.1 Republic Square and the Yellow Vests

       10.1.1 Applying the Model

       10.2 Summary and Conclusions

       10.2.1 “So what?”

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