Industry 4.1. Группа авторов

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Industry 4.1 - Группа авторов

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promising areas to be achieved for future research in MC [55]. Namely, how to effectively minimize the defective product cost is still the biggest challenge of MC. As such, a fully automated and real‐time total‐inspection method is needed to withstand a global requirement on increasing product quality and reducing production cost.

      1.2.3 Zero Defects – Vision of Industry 4.1

      Since the late 1960s, ZD has been one of the quality‐improvement objectives for accomplishing manufacturing quality [57]. Through prevention methods, ZD aims to boost production and minimize waste. ZD is based on the concept that the amount of mistakes a worker makes doesn't matter since inspectors will catch them before they reach customers [57]. Two Stages of Achieving Zero Defects

      Generally speaking, two stages are involved for achieving Zero Defects in Industry 4.1:

       Stage I: accomplish Zero Defects of all the deliverables by applying efficient and economical total‐quality‐inspection techniques.

       Stage II: ensure Zero Defects of all the products gradually by improving the yield with big data analytics and continuous improvement.

      Stage I can be accomplished by directly applying AVM to perform Total Inspection on all the possible deliverables. If any defects are found in a possible deliverable, then this one should not be delivered to customers. As a result, the goal of ZD for all the deliverables is achieved.

      The manufacturing‐related data of all the defective products found in Stage I should be collected such that the KSA in IYM can be performed on those data to find out the root causes that result in the defects. Then, those root causes should be fixed for reducing possible defects that may occur in the subsequent production run. As such, the goal of nearly ZD for all the products can be accomplished by continuous improvements. The process mentioned in this paragraph is the so‐called Stage II.

Graph depicts the changing curves of yield and cost during the product life cycle.

      Source: Reprinted with permission from Ref. [61]; © 2017 IEEE.

Schematic illustration of five-stage strategy for increasing yield in RD/ramp-up and MP phases of a manufacturing process.


      1.3.1 Five‐Stage Strategy of Yield Enhancement and Zero‐Defects Assurance

      As shown in Figure 1.13, a five‐stage approach for enhancing yield and assuring ZD of a manufacturing process is proposed. This five‐stage approach involves RD, ramp‐up, and MP phases. Observing the left portion of Figure 1.13, the RD and ramp‐up phases cover the first two stages; while the right portion of Figure 1.13 contains the last three stages for the MP phase.

Schematic illustration of production line of the bumping process.


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