Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman

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Materials for Biomedical Engineering - Mohamed N. Rahaman

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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_76da9a45-bbc6-5898-ad87-7ed5b61ff791.png" alt="equation"/>

      Example 5.1

      The measured contact angle of a water droplet on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is 70°. Determine the surface energy of PMMA, given that the densities of PMMA and water are 1.2 and 1.0 g/cm3, respectively, and the surface tension of water is 73.0 mN/m.


      Another method applicable to materials of low surface energy, such as polymers, is referred to as the Zisman method. Fox and Zisman (1950, 1952) found that cos θ for a variety of polymers was approximately a monotonic function of γlv, that is


Schematic illustration of Zisman plot for polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) using various liquids.

      5.2.2 Measurement of Contact Angle

      While a variety of methods can be used to measure the contact angle of a liquid on a solid (Ratner 2013), the sessile drop technique is easy to perform and, thus, finds considerable use. In this technique, a drop of the appropriate liquid, for example deionized water, is placed on a flat surface of the material according to a standard procedure and the contact angle is determined from images of the drop using automated equipment (Figure 5.3). The surface tension γlv of liquids used in contact angle measurements to determine γcr or to estimate γsv of a material (Eq. (5.6)) can be measured using simple techniques such as capillary rise of a liquid. However, this is often not necessary because the surface tension values of pure liquids at an appropriate experimental temperature such as room temperature are given in reference tables.

      where θ is the contact angle for a smooth surface of the same composition and Ρ is the roughness ratio defined as the true area of the rough surface relative to its nominal cross sectional area. In comparison, when wetting of the rough surface is inhomogeneous, that is, when air is trapped between the drop and the rough surface, the apparent contact angle θCB is given by

Schematic illustration of homogeneous wetting (a) and heterogeneous wetting (b) of a rough surface illustrated for a hydrophobic liquid.

      For homogeneous wetting, Eq. (5.9) predicts that a rough surface will decrease the contact angle of a hydrophilic material ( θ < 90°), that is, the hydrophilicity of the material will increase. In comparison, the contact angle of a hydrophobic material ( θ > 90°) will increase with surface roughness, that is, the hydrophobicity of the material will increase. For a greater amount of air trapped between the liquid and the rough surface, f decreases and, consequently, the apparent contact angle is higher. Subsequently, if the liquid slowly infiltrates the areas of trapped air, the contact angle is predicted to decrease with time, eventually becoming smaller than the contact angle of a smooth

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