Materials for Biomedical Engineering. Mohamed N. Rahaman

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Materials for Biomedical Engineering - Mohamed N. Rahaman

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potential method, for silicon nitride (Si3N4) as fabricated, and machined surfaces of Ti6Al4V and polyether ether ketone (PEEK).

      Source: From Bock et al.(2017) / with permission of John Wiley & Sons,

      5.4.3 Effect of Surface Charge

      As the surface of a biomaterial rapidly develops an electrostatic surface charge and an associated electrical double layer upon implantation in the physiological environment, it is realistic to assume that this surface charge system should influence subsequent interactions with the physiological environment. Depending on their composition, the components of the physiological fluid such as ions, amino acids, and proteins can be positively charged, negatively charged, polar or nonpolar (Chapter 3). Consequently, we might expect varying degrees of electrostatic interaction between these components and the charged surface. This interaction should influence, for example, the type of ions and molecules adsorbed at the surface and the conformation of adsorbed proteins, which, in turn, should influence the response of cells. In practice, a correlation between the surface charge of a biomaterial and its interaction with the physiological environment has been difficult to establish. While this is due to a variety of reasons, a major factor is the difficulty in separating the true effect of surface charge from the contributions of other surface properties such as wettability (contact angle) and surface topography.


Schematic illustration of examples of surface topography accidentally introduced (a, b) or deliberately introduced (c–e) in biomaterials. (a) Machined surface of polyether ether ketone (PEEK); (b) machined surface of Ti6Al4V; (c) sand-blasted surface of Ti6Al4V. (a–c)

      Source: From Bock et al. (2017).

      (d) Hemispherical depressions in titanium formed by photolithography. (e) Micro‐pillars on polyurethane produced by lithography. Source: From Xu and Siedlecki (2012).

      5.5.1 Surface Roughness Parameters

      Surface roughness is commonly quantified in terms of the vertical height of the surface relative to a mean or reference line, defined such that the area between the roughness profile and the mean line is the same above and below the line. While a variety of parameters are used to quantitate the topography of materials, the average roughness Ra and the root mean square roughness Rq are most often used. Ra is the arithmetic mean of the average values of the vertical deviation from the mean line of the roughness profile whereas Rq is the square root of the arithmetic mean of the square of the vertical deviation from the mean line. As these two parameters are primarily concerned with the relative departure of the roughness profile in the vertical direction only, they do not provide information about the slopes, shapes, and sizes of the surface asperities or about their spacing. It is possible for surfaces of widely different profiles to have approximately the same Ra or Rq values. In general, these two parameters are more useful for characterizing surfaces of the same type that are produced by the same method.

      5.5.2 Characterization of Surface Topography

      Characterization of surface topography commonly starts with examining the surface of one or more representative specimens of the material in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Figure 5.18). Qualitative information about topographical features such as surface roughness at a microscale or nanoscale, the waviness and spacing of the surface roughness, and the presence of surface flaws can be obtained using this technique. Thereafter, other techniques, classified into two broad categories, depending on whether a component of the measuring instrument makes contact with the specimen surface (contact type) or not (noncontact type), can be used to obtain topographical data such as surface roughness parameters. As a contact‐type technique has the potential for damaging a soft surface, applied loads on the contacting component (for example, a stylus) should not exceed the hardness of the surface. The major techniques used for biomaterials are profilometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM), both of which can be used in a contact or noncontact mode.

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