Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management. Группа авторов

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Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management - Группа авторов

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to measure suspended sediments and chlorophyll concentrations spatiotemporally based on empirical relationships with radiance or reflectance (Ritchie and Cooper 1991; Ritchie et al. 1994).

Schematic illustration of development of thematic maps and their integration for the prioritization of activities in a watershed using GIS.

      2.2.4 Agriculture

Schematic illustration of applications of geospatial techniques for crop monitoring and management.

      Agriculture is the primary consumer of water, utilizing more than 70% of the global freshwater. Therefore, the role of irrigation water plays a significant in increasing the productivity of the land. Evapotranspiration (ET) from land surfaces is one of the key components of the water balance responsible for water loss. Evapotranspiration is of prime interest for various environmental applications, like optimization of irrigation water, irrigation system performance, water deficit for crops, etc. Also, poor irrigation timing and insufficient water application are common factors responsible for limiting agriculture production in many arid and semi‐arid agricultural areas. To address these issues, geospatial technology has emerged as a powerful tool to monitor irrigated lands over various climatic conditions and locations over the last few decades. It aids in determining when and how much to irrigate by monitoring the water status of plants. This is done by measuring evapotranspiration rates and by estimating crop coefficients. Efficient use and monitoring of surface water using geospatial techniques have recently attracted the interest of irrigation water policymakers.

      2.2.5 Combating Desertification

      Desertification is an extreme type of condition faced worldwide. Remotely sensed data and geospatial techniques provide important information for assessing desertification and its mapping at a local and global extent. It is a change in land condition that was not desertic into desert type landscapes and is closely linked to factors like population growth, improper farming practices, and widespread crops in naturally fragile environments. It occurs due to a lack of water reserves, humus‐depleted soils, scarce vegetation, and repeated plowing. The consequences of desertification can be dreadful for societies. Geospatial technology is utilized to determine the soil types, vegetation classification, land use classification, and nutrient availability in a region. Integration and weighted overlay of various factors in a GIS system result in vegetation, climate, soil, and management indices. The final product created after superimposing other indices creates a desertification sensitivity index. This index can help assess the stage of desertification of the study area (Lamqadem et al. 2018; Bedoui 2020).

      2.2.6 Biodiversity Management

      Biodiversity monitoring is essential for developing an adequate and timely management plan to safeguard the losses witnessed due to extreme human pressure or other natural causes. The LULC maps can be prepared using remote sensing observations and geospatial tools for understanding the rate of change of one land use category into another. Such assessment helps policymakers in developing plans that are effective in biodiversity conservation and management. This helps to ensure sustainable development and understanding of human activities' effect within and around protected areas. Geospatial data such as aerial and satellite photographs can be used to manage flora and fauna by determining the presence and distribution of vegetation and invasive species within a protected area (Kumar et al. 2019b). It helps in determining the extent of vegetation, water and food availability for animals in different seasons of the year. The animal census is usually assisted nowadays by aerial photographs or camera trap methods, which is again a useful application of geospatial technologies. Geospatial tools can also be used to show the intrusion of humans into protected areas and animal movements outside the protected areas. This is useful in resolving human‐wildlife conflicts. GPS technology can be utilized to monitor the activity of endangered species and protect them from poachers. GIS and remote sensing tools can also be used for conducting environmental impact assessment (EIA) of different projects, including building construction, road construction, pipe ways, dams, etc., within protected areas. Therefore, geospatial data has become essential in biodiversity management practices.

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