Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management. Группа авторов

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Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management - Группа авторов

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(SAM), and artificial neural network (ANN) classifiers can be used for LULC mapping. To have a better understanding, the accuracy of classification can be improved by cloud patching and pan‐sharpening. The remotely sensed images can be used to classify area into the open, scrub and dense forest, delineation of water bodies, settlements and other important land use classes. The ANN‐based approach is reported to produce maps of high accuracy (Shaharum et al. 2018). In a study by Shaharum et al. (2018), it was observed that remote sensing tools can be used to assess socio‐economic activities that play a significant role in disturbing the natural environment of the study area.

      LiDAR is a remote sensing method in which a pulse of light is used to measure distances. The sensor emits a pulse of light to the earth's surface from an airborne or space‐borne laser for measurement. The technique provides a direct means to measure vegetation canopies' structure (Dubayah and Drake 2000). The pulse bounces off the tree canopy materials such as leaves and branches. The reflected energy is collected back at the instrument. Time taken for the pulse between emission, reflection, and recapture by the instrument is recorded. Various structure metrics are computed, analyzed, or modeled. Different LiDAR systems measure vegetation characteristics, mostly high pulse rate, small‐footprint, first‐ or last‐return‐only airborne systems which fly in the lower altitude region. Other systems are large footprint and full‐waveform digitizing that deliver superior vertical details about the vegetation canopy. Dubayah and Drake (2000) and Lefsky et al. (2002) provided a thorough overview of LiDAR application for land surface characterization and forest studies.

      Remote sensing coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) provides essential technical supports to natural resource monitoring using various applications, including target detection, quantitative extraction of information, change detection and analysis, as well as multi‐source remote sensing information processing (SuperMap 2019).

Schematic illustration of satellite and LiDAR data fusion for natural resource management.

      The technology involving data processing and its optimization from different remote sensing sources can enrich the overall data quality. This technology can further improve the overall strength of the natural resources management process and may include:

      1 LiDAR 3D point cloud processing techniques based on AI can enhance the monitoring data like buildings and terrains and improve natural resource management accuracy.

      2 Optimization of remote sensing image quality using AI can improve the accuracy of image interpretation. Super‐resolution reconstruction and de‐clouding techniques can enhance the image quality and add more value to its use.

      3 Hyperspectral image processing using AI can highlight various natural resources' subtle features and improve the natural resource classification results.

      Maximum Entropy (Maxent) is a presence‐only species distribution modeling technique used in the identification of a species' niche in environmental space. The prediction is based on the relation between observed occurrences to a set of climatic and non‐climatic environmental variables (Phillips et al. 2006; Pearson et al. 2007). Maxent is a free to download machine learning tool that provides a platform to integrate the species occurrence data with the bioclimatic variables using remote sensing and Geographical Information System and provides species habitat suitability and predicting future occurrence scenarios (Phillips et al. 2004; Phillips et al. 2006). Maxent has several advantages:

      1 It can characterize probability distributions from incomplete information.

      2 Presence data alone is sufficient and no absence data is required.

      3 It uses both continuous and categorical environmental variables.

      4 It produces an output with continuous prediction ranging from zero to one, where a higher value pixel indicates greater suitability for a given species at that pixel.

      Most environmental monitoring and data collection systems are currently based on ground‐based measurements, satellite observations, and manned airborne sensors. These processes have spatiotemporal constraints that limit the current monitoring platforms. UAS provides an excellent opportunity to bridge this gap (Figure 2.1) by providing great spatial detail and enhanced temporal retrieval cost‐effectively (Manfreda et al. 2018). UAS systems provide very high spatial and temporal resolution images which are unmatched by satellite alternatives at a fraction of the satellite acquisition charge. The UAS‐mounted sensors have multiple additional

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