Corrosion Policy Decision Making. Группа авторов

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Corrosion Policy Decision Making - Группа авторов

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It is the mindset that can be observed in industry quite frequently and it has the potential of being lethal.

      3 Corrosion and Aging: Aging implies that a structure has been in service for quite a long time, whereas corrosion can actually occur in structures right after being put into service. Therefore, corrosion‐related failures could happen in structures after a relatively short period of service (sometimes months).

      The executive force for any management of corrosion scheme is humans and not robots, although we often forget this. Along with it, we also happen to forget the golden wisdom “To err is human.” In fact, a great number of industrial disasters—including those related to corrosion—stem from human error. One of the ways by which human error can be highly decreased is via training. In IMPACT report by AMPP, the cost for training is not mentioned as cost but as investment. Creating motivation and paying special attention to training is of paramount significance in a corrosion knowledge management (CKM) scheme, and is an integral part of smart management of corrosion. In addition to the science of corrosion, it is important to find the best way to invent solutions. With decades of splendid past, TRIZ can be an instrumental factor in creating innovation patterns. This author has shown the application power of TRIZ in some of his publications. Researchers need to be familiar with TRIZ to find better solutions which are innovative and feasible particularly in the field of management of corrosion.

      The heart of this book which is Smart Management of corrosion is the topic of Chapter 3. Engineering aspects of corrosion is explained in Chapter 5. No matter what our interpretation about management of corrosion, understanding corrosion in action is a must.

      Discussing enough about economics as required to define corrosion damage is addressed in Chapter 4, whereas environmental effects of corrosion has been addressed in Chapter 7.

      This book is highly likely to experience a “Semmelweis Reflex” which essentially means “to stick to preexisting beliefs and to reject fresh ideas that contradict them [2]. No literature of CM known to us issues such details of economy, environment, TRIZ, and innovative interpretation of CM as we will cover in this text.

      1 1 Aquinas, P.G. (2011). Principles and Practices of Management. Phagwara, India: Lovely Professional University.

      2 2 Gupta, V. K., Saini, C., Oberoi, M. et al. (2020) “Semmelweis Reflex: An Age‐Old Prejudice,” World Neurosurgery., last visited 13 February 2021.


      1 1 Please study Chapter 3 for a better understanding of these terms.

      2 2 The metallic path when referred to corrosion under real life conditions has no meaning because corrosion already is taking place on metals.

      3 3‐Tom‐Coburn‐Americas‐Fiscal‐Defense‐Crisis‐06412, last visited 15 February 2021.

      4 4 Corrosion prevention and corrosion control are not the same and cannot be used interchangeably. We will get back to this concept later in this book.

       Reza Javaherdashti1∗ and Ali Ghanbarzadeh2†

       1 General Manager, Eninco Engineering B.V., The Netherlands

       2 Research at RIPI (Research Institute of Petroleum), I.R. Iran

      Corrosion is a process that happens naturally. The way corrosion happens is a story that has been repeated in all books written on the subject, but it will still make sense if we repeat it here. The main reason for doing so is that the thermodynamics behind corrosion is not only important from a scientific/engineering point of view, but also from a corrosion management (CM) approach. (We have described the significance of the thermodynamic nature of corrosion and how it is important in engineering practices, and particularly CM and management of corrosion in Chapter 3.)

      In this sense, the pure metal is not at rest when compared to its state when it was in its ore. In other words, the state of energy in two stages of “in‐ore” and “as‐extracted” will be far different from each other; Gibbs free energy of “in‐ore” is much lower than that of “as‐extracted.” This means that any way by which this excess of energy can be released will

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