Corrosion Policy Decision Making. Группа авторов

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Corrosion Policy Decision Making - Группа авторов

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above, if it is possible to expect corrosion or immunity to corrosion (in other words, passivity). Existence of some corrosive ions such as, but not limited to, chlorides, can somehow change the domains and thus shift the potentials in which corrosion or passivation can be expected.

      One very important aspect of Pourbaix diagrams in addition to enabling us to predict safe and unsafe values of potential and pH with regards to corrosion for a given environment is to put emphasis on what is almost forgotten by a majority of non‐corrosion expert professionals; it is normally assumed that as long as we know about the pH of the environment, it is safe to say if it is corrosive or not! The rule of thumb for these self‐acclaimed corrosionists is that if pH is below 7 the environment is acidic and thus corrosive, if pH is 7 it is neutral, and if it is larger than 7 the environment is basic. This is wrong! In order to interpret correctly, one has to know both corrosion potential and pH. As an example, take the Pourbaix diagram in Figure 2.4 when chloride is present; at an acidic pH = 6 and potential = −0.6 V (red dashed line intersection in Figure 2.4), there is immunity against corrosion, whereas in the same system, but this time for a neutral pH = 7 and potential = −0.4 V, corrosion is highly likely to happen (black dashed line intersection in Figure 2.4). This alone can serve to show how powerful Pourbaix diagrams are in dealing with corrosion and predicting it. However, as noticed by our readers, the restrictions due to temperature do still remain.

Schematic illustration of a typical Pourbaix diagram (simplified) for an Fe–water system at iron concentration of 10–6 mol/l and 25 °C.

      Corrosion treatment strategies can be categorized into five categories:

      1 Design modification‐change/materials selection (change and/or modification of design including change/upgrading of materials).

      2 Chemical treatment; use of various kinds of corrosion inhibitors (anodic inhibitors, cathodic inhibitors and mixed effect inhibitors, biocides either as oxidizing biocides or non‐oxidizing biocides).

      3 Electrical treatment (the most noticeable example in this context is cathodic protection).

      4 Mechanical treatment (pigging).

      5 Physical treatment (paints/coatings).

      Below we will briefly review these five treatment strategies. Once again, we should remind our readers that neither this chapter nor the book itself is about teaching corrosion science and the electrochemistry behind it in the way that many famous handbooks and textbooks do. Our main focus here is on knowing as much necessary for an engineer who happens to become responsible for developing a CM strategy and who may need to know some basic, important elements of the science of corrosion when trying to differentiate between CM various models. As we have described in full in Chapter 3 under the title of “Smart Corrosion Management Elements,” having an efficient, realistic, smart model for CM is an integral part of any strategy that seriously considers management of corrosion.

      2.2.1 Design Modification‐change/Materials Selection

      Contrary to what many engineers and operators may think, the as‐is design of assets is not the last word when it comes to CM of the asset. In fact, many factors during fabrication, welding, coating, testing, and operation may become the points at which corrosion can be invited. For instance, it is usually recommended to use continuous welding instead of spot welding to avoid problems such as moisture entrance, or having as few branches as possible in a pipeline to avoid stagnation points. In addition, it is highly likely that MIC problems can occur in post‐hydrostatic testing of pipelines, which is mainly applied to test the welding strength (contrary to pneumatic test which is essentially a leak test, hydrotest is both a strength and leak test).

      Yet another issue that may arise is to have formed galvanic cells by joining two metals that each can have different electrochemical properties (such as welding together the same metals with and without coating, or coupling dissimilar metals to each other so that in addition to creating a potential difference, anode/cathode area ratios less than one will be created). Operation conditions may lead into initiation and development of MIC in the asset, an example can be seen for example, in underground firewater rings or within reverse osmosis membranes systems. Examples are numerous.

      The policy is that before opting for design change‐modification/materials selection, do a thorough feasibility study to compare this option with the economy and possible outcome with the other four options (when applicable), and then decide if you want to continue with it or leave it, either temporarily or permanently.

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