Corrosion Policy Decision Making. Группа авторов

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Corrosion Policy Decision Making - Группа авторов

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that it is understood that the force by which corrosion is being driven comes from the very nature of materials, particularly metals, we need to understand some basic concepts upon which the whole electrochemical corrosion principles are based. Why electrochemical corrosion? It is because a number of corrosion processes ranging from corrosion under insulation to microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) to atmospheric corrosion are all gathered under the umbrella of electrochemical corrosion. Therefore, in this chapter, we will review and describe some fundamental aspects of electrochemical corrosion, what it is, and how it can be treated. As we will see in Chapter 3 about “smart management of corrosion,” prevention of corrosion is different from corrosion control. Very briefly, prevention of corrosion can be applied to a Greenfield project related to corrosion, or equipment which is still too young in its service life so that options such as modification of design or materials selection/upgrade or even change and modification of process parameters have yet to be considered. Corrosion control, on the other hand, is applied to a Brownfield project or equipment which has been in service for a quite long time (perhaps more than a year), so that not only are any change or modification in any process parameters not permissible, but also options such as change of design or materials selection can be highly likely to be considered too costly to be applied. By “corrosion treatment” we address both corrosion control and corrosion prevention where applicable, per case.

      We will therefore start with very definition of the elements of an electrochemical corrosion process and continue with available tools to predict corrosion, that is, to foresee if it will occur or not, and then we continue with five treatment approaches toward corrosion. The five approaches are (i) chemical treatment, (ii) electrical treatment, (ii) mechanical treatment, (iv) design/material selection, and (v) physical treatment. What we have to advise from the beginning is that the fourth treatment approach can still be an option even if the problem is categorized as a corrosion control issue. In this regard, it is the cost of application that will be the major playing factor if design/material selection is to be better applied for a corrosion control approach.

      2.1.1 Essentials of Electrochemical Corrosion

      If corrosion is a natural process by which energy of the system is lowered, then any approach toward corrosion must be the same when facing any natural process. The main thing here, however, is that as long as corrosion has not been allowed to make a hole in an asset—the process we call through‐wall pitting—it is safe. This approach may sound quite different from what we have been taught so far; any manual on CM starts with the unwritten assumption that the job for a corrosion engineer is to prevent corrosion. In fact, the job of a corrosion engineer—and for that matter an integrity management expert—is to prevent through‐wall pitting occurrence as manifested by severe, localized corrosion.

      It is quite understandable if these very concepts that form electrochemical corrosion—or more generally referred to as aqueous corrosion—leave a lot of questions for the readers. For example, from a spatial point of view, while the position of anode is visible how can we decide where exactly the cathode adjacent to it is? Is it on the left side of the anode? Its right side? Where is it located? Another matter is how do we know if the anode and cathode “creep” relative to each other on a metallic surface? And, for that matter, how do we know if one particular spot and not another spot on the metal will become the anode?

Schematic illustration of two examples of severely corroded equipment leading into a through-wall localized failure.

      (Source: Taken from the collection of Dr. R. Javaherdashti.)

      1 At anode, anodic reactions happen. These reactions involve emitting the extra electron given to the metal through extractive metallurgy processes.

      2 These electrons will be taken by the cathode. In other words, electrons emitted by the anode will be gained at the cathode, leading to the establishment of an electron flow (electricity) between anode and cathode.

      3 The electron flow constitutes what we refer to as “current.” The current thus produced is in fact the way by which voltage difference can be leveled between anode and cathode.

      4 The moisture already established on the metal's surface acts as a carrier medium for the exchange of ions thus produced as a result of anodic and cathodic reactions. In other words, the electron emittance and electron gaining will serve to produce anion and cation ions which can be carried through the moisture layer (the electrolyte).

      5 It follows, then, contrary to what textbooks on corrosion try to impose on our understanding saying that there need to be four elements (the anode, the cathode, the electrolyte, and the metallic path) for a electrochemical corrosion scenario to exist, there are actually only three elements necessary; these are the anode, the cathode, and the electrolyte. As corrosion is already happening on a metallic asset, we really do not require to make more confusion that that is already existing in the electrochemistry of corrosion. As some may already know, we may name a few of these confusions; one can name the concept of using the wrong term of oxidation instead of anodic reaction, the polarity signs of anode and cathode, the arguable term of under deposit corrosion, and even the term biofilm to explain the venue at which electrochemical cells are established.1

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