Palmist. Thirst for revenge. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Thirst for revenge - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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for the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. The most colorful celebrations take place in the major cities – Vientiane, Pakse and Savannakhet. The streets of local Chinese and Vietnamese neighborhoods are simply strewn with flower girls with orange bouquets, alleys are full of red lanterns and ribbons with golden symbols, and golden figures of the symbol of the year are installed on street altars. The celebrations last for three days, during which family celebrations take place, temples are visited, noisy parties are organized and a huge number of firecrackers are launched into the sky. Also in Laos, this holiday is called Tet. The Tet holiday is celebrated in Laos by large Vietnamese and Chinese communities, which close their shops for several days. For many of them, it is an opportunity to meet with each other, share the news that has been happening throughout the year, and remind the younger generation about the national culture.

      In every Asian country, the New Year is celebrated in its own way, but the meaning remains the same – it is time to give gifts, and the calendar time is calculated. Here in Thailand, for example, the New Year began to be celebrated in a European way relatively recently. This tradition originates in the 40s of the last century. Thais are happy to decorate trees with toys, bright garlands and balloons at home, arrange fairs and sales, prepare gifts for family and friends. In Cambodia European New Year, it is not a significant event and is celebrated modestly enough. If you are on vacation in this country on December 31, it is better to go to famous resorts where you are guaranteed to organize a holiday. Most often, the festive program includes excursions, dinner at a restaurant, an entertainment show and visits to bars, discos or clubs.

      «Imlek» is the Chinese New Year in Indonesia celebrated by the inhabitants of the islands of Kalimantan and Java, as another New Year that has the right to exist! Indonesians arrange torchlight processions and fire-swallowing performances. They give homemade gold postcards with calligraphically printed red hieroglyphs of wealth, good luck and health. Indian traditions were added to Chinese traditions, creating unique New Year’s dances, using huge masks of the gods Devi Sri, Shiva, Dragons. Red Balinese masks with a lion’s mane and toothy fangs symbolize evil spirits, with whom Heroes in light masks, bright rainbow colors, fight.

      «Hari Natal» – Indonesian Christmas is usually celebrated according to European customs on December 25. But in Indonesia, the winter holiday turns into a bright extravaganza! Instead of Christmas trees – decorated palm trees! Instead of snow – a riot of flowers! Boring dim suits have been replaced by rippling in the eyes of iridescences of clothes, from the styles of which European classic designers would be horrified. Wayang Theater gives puppet shows. This is a rather dangerous sight, since the inhabitants of Indonesia are convinced that illiterate possession of dolls can lead to the «summoning» of spirits, who are not always happy about it and can harm both those who show the performance and those who watch.

      The second day of Christmas in Indonesia is called Shared Holiday («Shared Holiday»). On this day, fairs are organized where you can not only watch folk dances, taste Indonesian dishes, but also get yourself a prize by climbing a 6-meter pole! You can compare it with a Christmas tree, but you still need to get to the gifts, because they do not lie at the bottom, but are suspended at the top of this unusual «New Year tree». So that everyone can participate in this «tree climbing», in Indonesia, a whole «grove of pillars with gifts» is being installed. In all South Asian countries where Buddhism flourishes, New Year is celebrated several times a year. Holding these holidays is quite a colorful and fascinating spectacle.

      In Moscow, everything was completely different. In every family, in every organization, there was a stormy preparation for this magical holiday. Since the New Year is a time of miracles, everyone believed in a miracle, even an adult, and everyone dreamed of getting the desired gift. This winter was snowy, snowmobiles cleared the streets of Moscow, citizens hurried to hide from the snow, running into the subway crossings, and hiding their faces from the snowy wind. This weather was only to Rashid’s advantage, he thought it would be much easier this way get rid of the Guilt. Early in the morning, Rashid left his place of residence and went to the house of Guilt. Igor decided to stop this madness and went after Rashid. Said, in turn, ensured the safety of his so-called mistress, realizing that she was in danger. Guilt did not follow anyone, she just dreamed of revenge, and waited for its immediate execution.

      Rashid was ready to kill this woman, but he did not want to do it, fearing the consequences. These hesitations weighed on him, and finally he made a decision and here he was standing at the entrance of the house of Guilt and waiting for the door to open, a hand was laid on his shoulder, startled by an unexpected touch, Rashid looked around sharply, Igor was standing in front of him. – Don’t do that.

      – Why?

      – Let’s solve everything differently.

      – Whose side are you on? If not her, then my family.

      – I know. But, it is better not to do this. She can just be framed. Catch him red-handed.

      – Maybe you are right. I could not have done it myself anyway, and you are in the way. Go. Let this Guilt live for now. While. Said recognized Rashid and got out of the car.

      – What are you doing here? This boorish manner of communication was an attribute of this company.

      – We came on business.

      – «At this early hour?»

      – We have the right. Who are you?

      – Do you know who I am?

      – I guess. But we have our business?

      – I hope nothing to do with ours.

      – We also hope for it very much. With these words, Rashid got into Igor’s car, and they drove away. Vina came out of the entrance.

      – Who is this?

      – Amir’s father.

      – What is he doing here?

      – I came for your soul. Vina’s eyes glittered angrily. A blush played on her cheeks.

      – Why did you let them go?

      – They will show up again. Do not worry. Vina got into the car. Said did not like her annoyance. He did not like impulsive women. – Your gifts will be delivered by the holiday. And we’ll figure that out later. Vina did not answer anything, understanding the situation of her case. Igor and Rashid arrived at the dacha.

      – Igor, tell me, what would you do?

      – I propose to establish surveillance. We will bring her to the surface.

      – How. She will not do anything by herself. Everything will be done through someone. My kids just have an accident and that is it. Igor was silent.

      – I understand you. But, I have a feeling that it is not necessary to do this. Everything will resolve itself.

      – And I saw Sultana’s legs. I saw the danger.

      – OK. Remember what happened the first time. There was danger, there was a threat, but there was no murder.

      – Yes. Only my son was almost killed. Igor did not know what to answer and, lowering his eyes to the floor, put on a warm jacket and was about to leave. – Maybe you are right, let us wait. I will book a ticket for tomorrow; I need to go home to the kids. Igor hugged Rashid and silently left.

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