Palmist. Thirst for revenge. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Thirst for revenge - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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It is so warm and colorful here. Vina went down the ladder not in the best shape, she was wearing warm clothes, and a careless look made this woman not so attractive. Said did not pay attention to these little things, most of all he thought about the safety of this woman, as he understood the danger she was in. For Vina, coming to Thailand was not something unusual, since she had lived in Indonesia all her life and swam in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

      – What will be the orders?

      – I want to rest and get myself in order. And tomorrow morning we’ll start looking.

      – «As my lady commands!» Vina was already used to Sayid’s expressions, for her these phrases sounded like a colloquial expression. After closing herself in the room, the girl came up for the first time in a long time, went to the mirror and looked at her reflection.

      – Get yourself cleaned up! What I have come to. After standing for a while, I went outside and bought a sundress without fitting, in the first counter stall. Arriving at the room, she took a shower and wrapped in a towel went out onto the balcony. There was one thought in her head—Sultana. She no longer thought about anything, and did not pay attention to the neighbor standing on the next balcony, who was greedily examining her figure. After standing on the balcony for a while, Vina went into the room and put on a sundress. This sundress was bright yellow, and long to the floor. Vina bought herself such a bright thing for the first time in a long time, especially without fitting, and she liked it to her face and soul. After combing her not-so-long hair, the girl went down the hall and headed to the cafeteria to drink coffee. Sitting down at a table, she saw Said sitting not far from himself and next to him a man who, despite the heat, covered his face with a hood over his head. Only her eyes were visible, a thought flashed through her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. – It is not him. Why would he be here? Their eyes met, and he quickly averted them, and slowly got up and left the room. Said sat down to the Wine.

      – You look good! That is better.

      – Who is this? There was a direct question in her eyes and in her voice.

      – This is your man. He is needed for business. He knows where Sultana is.

      – That is how. I think I know him.

      – You do not know him. Said confidently lied. Although he perfectly remembered their meeting at the bar in the Oriental Fairy Tale. He knew about the murder of Diana, but still he understood that they could not do without this man.

      – «And where is she?»

      – We did not come here for nothing. She is a student of a very prestigious university, and you will see her soon.

      – Well, if so. Well settled. Vina hated Sultan with all her heart and soul, just because she was lucky in life. For the fact that Sultana got married successfully and for love, received a good education, and she danced better than she did. Vina just could not come to terms with it, and decided to get rid of her no matter what. Moreover, it was because of her that unpleasant things arose in her husband’s life. – My husband stumbled on this girl, if it was not for her, we would have been happy. Vina forgot that her husband killed her sister, and she killed him. Sultana overshadowed her mind. – What university does she study at?

      – Mahidol. Vina tearfully listened to the name, and ordered coffee.

      – We will start tomorrow.

      – No. Tomorrow is just preparation. After tomorrow. Do not forget that we still have to take her to Moscow. Vina listened to Said, realizing that he was speaking correctly, and feelings of resentment and envy clouded her mind.

      – OK. Said calmly went outside, and Vina stayed to finish her coffee. After sitting for a while, she decided to take a little walk before going to bed. A man with a covered face was watching her from afar. Each of these men found this woman attractive, and each kept his distance, realizing that she was the wife of the late boss.

      Amir and Sultana, who were not separated, always returned home together. – It will be more difficult with this. They are always together. So we’ll take two. The boss dreamed of flunking this boy. We will sell the girl, we will fill this one up, and that is it. Two students were slowly returning home, Rashid was waiting for them at home.

      – Dad, what happened?

      – What makes you think that?

      – There is still time before the New Year, and especially since, you came without your mother.

      – You are observant. They want to kidnap you two, and I have to stop it.

      – How? When? Are they here already?

      – Yes. She came for both of you. Stay at home for now.

      – How did you know?

      – I learned to calculate deadlines. By the way, this is interesting.

      – I know. It is a pity that I do not see my fate, and the fate of my wife.

      – That is not the worst thing.

      – What’s the worst part?

      – «I don’t know myself. It seems to me that I have already seen a lot.

      – A lot, but not all.

      – It is impossible to see everything.

      – «You’re right. So what are our next steps?

      – We need to get in touch with this Guilt. Accordingly, you will be the prey.

      – «I knew it. Rashid secretly looked at Sultana and devoured her with his eyes. At these moments, he was ready for anything, even for the murder of Guilt. – Dad, what do we need a conversation with this Guilt?

      – I do not know myself. Your suggestions.

      – I think we need to hand her over to the police.

      – We tried to do it with her husband, and what came of it.

      – Yes, but it is her. She is not as active as he is.

      – «You’re wrong. She is worse than he is. She has a great team behind her.

      – What a horror. I do not want to fight a woman.

      – «We’re all going to have to do it. Rashid, being ready for murder, was not yet mentally ready for this, and just like his son, he hoped to solve this case peacefully.

      Vina walked around Bangkok at night and admired its beauties. She realized that she was breathing much easier here than in Indonesia. Not only is it warm and sunny here, but also nothing hurt from the past. There were no memories of my sister, husband, tears of parents, remorse, here you could just enjoy life and breathe clean, warm, southern air. A thought flashed through her mind; did Arthur not have a business in this beautiful country? And she was right. Arthur had a business in this beautiful country, but for some reason he did not tell her about these wonderful details.

      Arthur’s business actually flourished in this country. It was not for nothing that he looked after the Sultan in Poipet, since this city borders with this country.

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