Palmist. Thirst for revenge. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Thirst for revenge - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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These are not tea plantations in Paksa.

      – But we have people like people.

      – Have you been affected by the economic crisis?

      – He touched everyone. But it has not affected us as much as other more developed countries. Sometimes it seems to me that nothing has changed. It was like that. Quiet city, quiet residents.

      – Perhaps you rarely leave your city.

      – Maybe. It is all thanks to Amir and his soulmate. If it had not been for his choice of profession, then none of this would have happened.

      – Still do not like the Sultan. Rashid was hurt by these words. He just fell for the Sultan, and continued to hide it carefully.

      – There is a little. If it were not for her, my son would not have moved to live in this Bangkok.

      – What is wrong with Bangkok?

      – This city is not so favorable in terms of crime compared to Laos. I would feel safer if my son was with me.

      – Perhaps this is the reason for his move. Excessive guardianship, this is unnecessary. For Rashid, these words sounded like a bolt from the blue. He had always been so sure of his rightness, and now, hearing an objection, he hardly endured what he heard.

      – I would like to do what I came for faster and leave your beautiful city.

      – Yes, Moscow obviously did not please you. And what do you need to do urgently?

      – The purpose of my visit is Wine. It is necessary to get rid of it. If this is not done, the consequences will be simply terrible. Rashid uttered these words like a robot, there was nothing human in his voice, and Igor felt uneasy.

      – Hmm. That is, how to get rid of it?

      – Literally. I do not know how yet. But if this is not done, then she will get rid of my children and unborn grandchildren. This woman is a monster. There was a long pause.

      – Maybe there is another way?

      – Which one? Do you have an option?

      – No.

      – I am tired. Tomorrow is a difficult day. Igor left without saying anything. He was stunned by what he heard. By his nature, Igor was a harmless man and could not even imagine that Rashid was capable of murder. Especially women. Returning to his apartment, he quietly sat down on the sofa. He did not want to involve his wife in these dirty affairs, and he, referring to the arrival of a guest from another country, plunged into his thoughts. Igor, to his surprise, felt sorry for this girl, and he began to look for a way to get out of this situation in another way. —If not her, then they are. What should be done?

      – What are you talking about?

      – Nothing. Sleep. This Asian guy is so problematic. Igor uttered these words in order not to arouse suspicion, and to show his innocence to the guest who arrived.

      – Why does he live with you?

      – It is a business. He will be leaving soon.

      Moscow was shining with lights. The winter was cold, but this did not prevent the residents of the city from preparing for the holiday. Storefronts were emptied in stores, queues with overflowing baskets of food and Christmas decorations stood at the cash registers. People were so happy about the holiday, no one was in a hurry, everyone was polite, and it seemed that they liked to stand in line to chat with each other.

      For Vina, the arrival in the capital was not so joyful. These three days spent in the capital of Thailand had sunk into her soul, and she just did not want to leave these places. Sometimes she asked herself, «Why all this?» Why did she start all this? You can just be happy without all these dirty things. You can go to any other country and start from scratch. But a person who once dived into the ocean will never be able to be satisfied with the local freshwater reservoir. Having felt the storm, a person will wait for it repeatedly to plunge into it with his head. The same thing happened with Guilt. She realized that she would never be able to live an ordinary, normal, measured life. Sometimes she lacked the warmth and comfort of home; she wanted to cuddle up to a man’s shoulder. Only which one? She loved no one but Arthur. It is possible that she just was not ready for a new relationship, and she did not even think about a child. All these thoughts about family and children have gone into the background, or even into the background.

      In fact, nothing held the Blame in Moscow. She had no friends here, no family; she did not even have a best friend. Her only close person was said. Vina mentally understood her situation, and to some extent, she hesitated. Should she go forward, or stop there. «Oriental fairy tale» vegetated in anticipation of the holiday, the team was happy to decorate the hall. Vina walked with her head bowed between the low tables. Mentally she sought refuge, asking herself: «Where would she like to live? In which country?» Without receiving an answer to her question, she regained consciousness. Picking up the tinsel, Vina joined the team and began to decorate the hall for the holiday.

      CHAPTER 4

      The unexpected arrival of the guests took Nina by surprise, she was so happy to see her son, and immediately surrounded him with care, ran into the kitchen. Amir’s welcoming smile corrected the situation. – Come in. Make yourself at home. Sultana has long been accustomed to the role of a family member, and boldly walked into their room with Amir. Ahmed continued to stand at the entrance. Amir escorted him to the guest room and placed him as befits the customs. Sultana went to the kitchen to help Nina.

      – What happened to you? You have come so unexpectedly. Why didn’t Rashid come? He did not even call.

      – I do not know. Ask Amir.

      – I see. So there’s something wrong here.

      – It is possible that it is nothing terrible. Maybe it is just business. I do not know. Sultana was afraid to stir up too much and decided to entrust everything into the hands of Amir.

      – Excuse my modesty. I was not ready for such a stream of guests. Rashid and I have a completely different preference in food. Now Amir has joined your ranks of Muslim cuisine. Try our dishes Paeng Pet, Lap. Sultana is already familiar with them.

      – «I’ll enjoy it.» I have always eaten modestly, and Amir and Sultana spoil me. With their appearance, I began to eat much more rationally. Nina knew that Ahmed’s family lived modestly. With the advent of Amir, their financial situation has improved, and, accordingly, their food, too.

      – Yes. Amir is a fan of eating here. He even taught his best Moscow friend to our food.

      – And not only taught him, but helped him move to our country. By the way, how is he?

      – By the way, you should have seen him. He turned into an indigenous Pakse. Put on weight and are expecting a second child.

      – I know about the baby. I wish I could see him.

      – You will see. You have plenty of time.

      – That is for sure. Along the way, we are here for a long time.

      – What

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