Gas Insulated Substations. Группа авторов
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The gas insulated switchgear and switchgear assemblies subcommittee covers 13 standards and has 5 more upcoming activities. For High‐Voltage Gas‐Insulated Substations Rated Above 52 kV (IEEE C37.122), K1 is responsible. In K2, GIS Tutorials and Panel Sessions are prepared and presented at IEEE conferences. These tutorials and panels are the basis for this GIS Handbook. K3 is active on the Application of Gas‐Insulated Substations 1–52 kV (IEEE C37.122.2), K4 on SF6 Gas handling (IEEE C37.122.3), K5 on the Gas Insulated Transmission Line (GIL) Application Guide (IEEE C37.122.4), K7 on SF6 to air Bushings for GIS (IEEE C37.017), K8 for the Moisture content in SF6 used in GIS (IEEE C37.122.5), and K9 on Interfaces to GIS (IEEE C37.122.6). Working group K10 is responsible for this GIS Handbook. K11 is active on the GIS User Guide (C37.122.1), K12 on the GIS Specification (IEEE C37.123), and K13 on Medium Voltage GIS for Voltages above 1 kV and up to 52 kV (IEEE C37.20.9).
There are six new standardization activities in the K subcommittee now in work. K14 Condition Assessment of GIS (future IEEE C37.122.9), K15 Recommended Practice of Field Test for GIS (future IEEE C37.122.7), K16 Panel Session on Advanced Sensors for GIS, K17 Panels Session for Physical Security and Resilience, K18 Mobile GIS Applications (future C37.122.8). The main content of this new standards is already covered in the second edition of this GIS Handbook.
The gas‐insulated switchgear and switchgear assemblies (GIS) has a total of 19 working group twelve are listed in Table 1.2.
1.1.2 Experts of K2 and Location of Tutorial Presentations
Over the years, a wide range of experts have left their footprint in the tutorial and enriched it with a wide range of information. The members of the tutorial working group K2 have, over the last decade, all contributed with their experiences and knowledge accumulated over many years in many executed projects as users of GIS, manufacturers, or consultants. The working group includes members from the United States of America (US), France (FR), and Germany (DE) to give an international outlook. The active members of K2 with status of 2020 are listed in Table 1.2. The past members of K2 are listed in Table 1.3.
Working group K2 has presented the GIS/GIL tutorial at IEEE meetings several times, sometimes as a half‐ or full‐day tutorial or in other cases as a panel discussion, always with the focus of the information to the engineers participating from the electric power industry. In the present case, the tutorial content will be revised and finally published as a GIS Handbook, see Table 1.4.
Table 1.2 Active members of the tutorial in update the table to be reflect members as of 2020
Name | Affiliation | Country | Time |
Arun Arora | Consultant | US | Since 2002 |
George Becker | POWER Engineers | US | Since 2002 |
Phil Bolin | Mitsubishi | US | Since 2002 |
Hermann Koch | Consultant – previous Siemens | DE | Since 2002 |
John Brunke | POWER Engineers | US | Since 2005 |
Pat Fitzgerald | AZZ‐CGIT | US | Since 2006 |
Ryan Stone | Mitsubishi | US | Since 2006 |
Arnaud Ficheux | GE | FR | Since 2008 |
Michael Novev | Burns & Mc Donalds | US | Since 2008 |
Peter Grossmann | Siemens Energy | DE | Since 2008 |
Charles L Hand | SCE | US | Since 2010 |
Steven Scott Scharf | TVA | US | Since 2012 |
Dave Mitchel | Consultant – previous Dominion | US | Since 2014 |
Bobby A. Rich | Dominion | US | Since 2016 |
Table 1.3 Past active members
Name | Affiliation | Country | Time |
Lutz Boettger | ABB | US | 2002–2006 |
Hugues Bosia | AREVA | FR | 2002–2007 |
Wolfgang Degen | Consultant – previously Siemens | DE | 2002–2008 |
Mel Hopkins | CGIT | US | 2002–2005 |
Deborah Ottinger | EPA | US | 2002–2005 |