Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development. Группа авторов

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Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development - Группа авторов

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vector algorithm is used. In MANET, DSR, AODV, TORA, and LMR are reactive protocols. Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR)

      It is an on demand routing protocol. In DSR, the route always discovered upon request. Route finding procedure is used by immersing the route request packets in the mobile network.

      It consists of two phases [8–12]. This phase calculates the shortest path for transfer of information between sender and receiver. This phase performs the maintenance work of the route as the path in the MANETs. Nature of nodes is dynamic and many cases of link breakage resulting in the network failure between the mobile nodes. AdHoc On-Demand Vector Routing Protocol (AODV)

      It is DSR with few changes. First of all route discovery is happened then after the data discovery path is stored in header and then transmission happen. Size of network increases, and due to which, header size increases which causes the complication [1–4].

      AODV protocol is discovered in the form of solution. Main difference is in the way of storing the path; AODV stores the path of routing table, whereas DSR stores it in the data packet’s header itself. It also operates in two steps: discovery of route and maintenance of route. Hybrid Routing Protocol

      Reactive and pro-active routing protocols combine to make a hybrid protocol. These protocols are adaptive in nature and adapt according to the zone and location of the source and sink nodes. ZRP is one of the best example this phenomenon. Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

      ZRP [13–18] is comprises of different zones and after division we note the position of sender and receiver mobile node is observed. If sender and receiver mobile nodes are present in one zone, then proactive routing protocol used for data delivery between them, and if sender and receiver mobile nodes are present in various zones, then reactive routing is used to transmit the data packets between them. Transmission Base

       • Unicast: MANET is topology base routing protocol. There is a table of link storage information by which data is transferred from one node to other.

       • Multicast: In MANETs, information is delivered from source to destination through the multiple ways. If there is any path breaker for one way, then packet is delivered through the other ways. It is classified into the following categories:1) Geo-Cast–Based Routing Protocol: To deliver data from one node to other via multicasting approach. It works on the basis of GPS system. In VANETs, if all nodes are in the same zone, then one vehicle can send data from one node to many nodes. If one of the node moves out the zone, then nodes changes the position of the sender node according to the GPS location.2) Robust Vehicular Routing (ROVER): ROVER works same as AODV protocol. Sender node sends request to the destination node. Each node has ID, location, and table for routing. If the destination node accepts the request from sender, then it will reply back to the sender. If sender node is out of the zone, then there is no possibility of reply. After the acceptance of the data packet and reply, there will be transmission of data packet.3) Mobile Just In Time Multicasting Protocol (MOBICAST): When packet is transferred from sender to receiver through ZRP. Communication breaks down when the node slow down and faster. ZRP solves this issue by considering time into the transmission of data packet delivery and calculate the time by location of vehicle through GPS. It is flexible than ZRP and result of throughput is higher. Routing Information Cluster-Based Routing Protocol

      In this routing scheme, there are number of nodes which combine to form clusters. In every cluster group, there is a cluster head that transfer information from one node to other. The main drawback is it increases the delay during the transmission. COIN: Clustering for Open Network

      To improve network scalability, this mechanism is introduced. It separates the zones into clusters. To select the cluster, there are three following QOS:

      1 1) Nodes mobility.

      2 2) Location of nodes.

      3 3) Nodes behavior. Cluster-Based Directional Routing Protocol (CBDRP)

      CBDRP into clusters and there is cluster heads for the transmission of data from sender to receiver. For transmission, source has to send the request to the destination. Data packet contains ID, location, and address of the node due to which size increases. Delay of the packet also increases which is drawback of this protocol. Due to the overhead, this protocol is also slow [19]. FANETs Load Carry and Deliver Protocol

Schematic illustration of FANETs.

      This scheme is used to collect the data from different sources and divide it on the bases of on-demand protocol. Three dimensions are present in the DCR: 1) In the space decoupling, no need of node ID; 2) Data is present and can be transferred to online nodes; 3) Asynchronous communication is present for flow decoupling. Static Routing Protocols

      Static protocols contain tables. It is used in the mission in which no requirement of changing table. During mission, UAVS can communicate to the other UAVS and ground stations and can store the information. Proactive Routing Protocols

      Table is already prepared for the network. This table contains all information of the nodes and their location. Every node remembers all information of all the nodes. This is helpful for the data packet transmission. Optimized Link State Routing (DLSR)


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