Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine. Группа авторов

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Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine - Группа авторов

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last two findings are most often the result of abnormal straining rather than a primary problem themselves. The presence of dyssynergic defecation can be evaluated by anorectal manometry, electromyography of the anal sphincter, balloon defecation, and defecography. Anorectal manometry involves measuring the pressures of the anal sphincter with a manometric probe in response to different manoeuvres, including straining. During strain, a rise in intra‐rectal pressure should occur, and the external anal sphincter should relax. The presence of a paradoxical increase in sphincter pressure suggests the possibility of dyssynergic defecation. False positives occur at least 10% of the time with all tests of pelvic floor function. Therefore, two tests that independently confirm the same findings are required to make a secure diagnosis of dyssynergic defecation.39

      Balloon expulsion testing is performed by placing a small balloon in the rectum and filling the balloon with 50–60 ml of warm water. The patient is asked to sit on a commode and expel the balloon. Normal expulsion occurs in one minute or less. A prolonged time or failure to expel the balloon suggests dyssynergic defecation.39 Anorectal manometry and balloon expulsion testing are the most commonly performed tests to identify dyssynergic defecation. Electromyography also assesses for proper anal sphincter muscle relaxation and contraction. The need to place needles in the anal sphincter makes this technique less attractive for most patients.

      Defecography is a dynamic fluoroscopy study that involves placing a barium paste in the rectum and then obtaining radiographs during defecation in a sitting position.39 Defecography assesses the opening of the anorectal angle and provides an assessment of sphincter opening, perineal descent, and rectal emptying. Defecography typically is reserved for cases where an underlying structural abnormality is suspected or when other tests for dyssynergic defecation are equivocal. It provides useful information for the diagnosis of rectoceles, intussusception, and rectal prolapse.39


Agent Daily dose
Bulking agents
Bran (wheat or oat) 4–10 g
Psyllium 3–6 g
Calcium polycarbophil 2–4 g
Hydrolysed guar gum 3–6 g
Methylcellulose 2–4 g
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 17–34 g
Lactulose 10–40 g
Magnesium salts Generally avoided in elders
Sorbitol 70% solution 15–60 ml
Senna 15 mg
Bisacodyl 5–10 mg
Sodium picosulfate 5–10 mg
Lubiprostone 8–24 μg b.i.d.
Linaclotide 290 μg
Prucalopride 1–2 mg
Methylnaltrexone Weight‐based dosing
Probiotics Bifidobacterium infantis 1 capsule, yoghurt 8–16 oz daily

      Pharmacological management

      Bulking agents

      Bulking agents commonly used include wheat or oat bran, psyllium (ispaghula), calcium polycarbophil, carboxymethylcellulose, and partially hydrolysed guar gum. A recent systematic review showed fibre supplementation to be beneficial in mild to moderate chronic constipation and in IBS.43 Whilst taking fibre supplements, ensure that patients are drinking an adequate amount of water to avoid hard and bulky stools. In patients with faecal impaction, those who are bedbound, or with minimal fluid intake, fibre supplements should be avoided.43 Side effects of fibre supplements include bloating and increased flatulence.

      Stool softeners

      Stool softeners such as dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate and dioctyl calcium sulfosuccinate (docusate sodium) are reported to soften the stool, easing defecation. Despite the widespread use of these agents, there are no randomized controlled trials showing efficacy.44 One study comparing dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate with placebo showed no improvement in stool frequency or consistency.45 Another study comparing dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate with psyllium found psyllium to be superior.46 The therapeutic use of stool softeners appears limited for the treatment of chronic constipation.

      Osmotic laxatives

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