Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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happened to you? You are sad.

      – Nothing. I am just scared.

      – Why? Sultana told Amir everything she knew about the people who tried to help her.

      – «I’m afraid of causing you trouble.

      – Don’t be afraid. Nothing will happen to me. Anyway, we have already met, and I have already helped you. So nothing can be fixed anymore. I have something very important to tell you.

      – What? Amir told the Sultan about his origin and about the gift of palmistry that he inherited from his father.

      – On the opening night of the restaurant, when I first saw you, I immediately realized that you were in danger. So I ordered a table for the next evening. But when my friend and I came, you were no longer there, there was another dancer.

      – «Another dancer?» Sultana uttered these words with such indignation.

      – Exactly. Another. So when I first saw you, I smelled death. And I was afraid for your life. I tried to find a connection with you from the restaurant staff, but I was refused. And no one could contact you. I realized that I had lost you. And that same night I saw you in the morgue. You see, death has bypassed you. You managed to escape.

      – Yes, I succeeded. But for how long? Now a new victim has been brought in my place. And when she gets tired of her, they will get rid of her as well as of me.

      – «Let me examine your legs.» I can see the future and we can change it. This will help us find answers to many problems. Sultana did not decisively take off her slippers and showed her feet to Amir.

      – Amir touched her feet and flew far into the future, but he could not understand anything. Some episodes that had nothing to do with what was happening surfaced before his eyes. There were strange visions. His institute. His family. But nothing related to Arthur.

      – That is weird.

      – What happened? Sultana looked at Amir with such naive eyes. He could not say anything back to her.

      – Nothing. We need to look again. If you don’t mind? Sultana did not decisively take off her slippers again. For the first time in all this time, Amiru faced such a difficulty as this. He could not reliably read the future, fragments and episodes surfaced before him. Reading Igor’s fate, Amir was able to see everything in detail. Up to the conclusion of the contract. But reading the fate of this girl, he saw himself, his institute, his family. – That is weird. What could it mean? Amir could not understand anything.

      – «So what happened anyway?» Am I going to die?

      – No.

      – And what?

      – I do not know myself. I guess I just lost my gift. With these words, Amir went outside. After standing on the threshold for a while, he returned to the ward. We will return to this issue later.

      – OK. I have one more question.

      – Which one?

      – I would like to go outside at least sometimes, to be on the hospital grounds for at least twenty minutes.

      – «Do you even know what you’re saying?» You are practically dead. If they see you, then everyone will end, including this clinic that sheltered you. Amir did not notice how he raised his voice to Sultana and Sultana looked at him sadly. – I am sorry. He said softening up.

      – Yes. You are right. I was just daydreaming.

      – OK. Go for a walk. Let everyone see you.

      – No one will see me. I will go out the back door; I will be wearing a medical mask and a hood. I will be like a medical worker.

      – «You’ve already thought of everything. Well done. Who is helping you, your nurse, with whom you are friends? Do not forget that she can be dangerous, too. You had better trust me more than her. With these words, Amir, offended, silently left the ward. Sultana sat down on the edge of the bed in thought.

      Amir walked in thought over the lines of Sultana’s fate that he had seen. «Whatever that means.» Either I have lost the gift, or her fate is closely intertwined with mine. But how? What if I tell my father about it? I will test my gift first. When he got home, he examined Lyosha’s legs. – Well, that is quite another thing.

      – And what actually happened?

      – Nothing. I just cannot see the fate of this girl.

      – How’s that?

      – I see our honey, my house, and some other pictures. And nothing related to Arthur. Strange. Lyosha laughed and patted Amir on the shoulder. – What does that mean?

      – Nothing. You will find out soon enough. Amir thought about it, and when he came to himself, he said that Lyosha would have a second half this year. – You too.

      – I have already appeared, do not forget that I am engaged and I have a wedding date. Lyosha was laughing convulsively. Amir believed that it was from overwork in the classroom.

      The next day, Amir met with the investigator and told him everything that he could not see the fate of the girl, and considered it right to seek advice from his father. – I will send him a photo or video of her legs, and he will help us.

      – If you think so, then apply. I am interested in the driver who drove them. He is gone. If we could find him, this person would help us a lot. Perhaps he knows where and why they were going. In addition, everything points to the fact that it was he who changed the bodies, and he disappeared without a trace. Maybe this guy is just hiding from Arthur.

      – Yes, it is possible.

      – And the most important news is that Arthur has come to his senses. From now on, we will be watching him tirelessly. Behind his every move. To speed up his capture, we just need our own person, and it would be best if it were a woman. We need a decoy duck, and this duck needs to be found in the shortest possible time.

      – «You’re right. That would solve all the problems. Can I use a ready-made duck?

      – Who is she?

      – This is the dancer who came to Sultana’s place. If she is initiated into the case and provides substantial evidence, then she will be on our side and will help us with the investigation.

      – «You’re right. I will take care of it. The investigator left, Amir remained in his thoughts, he mentally built up his conversation with his father, asking him for help and explaining the reason. If his relationship with his father would be the same as Sultana’s. It would have been much easier for him. But everything turned out the way it is, and he decided to call.

      Amir’s father was waiting for this call. He foresaw this storm, and it came. – Father, how can it be that I cannot read fate, but only see its episodes?

      – And this episode is you? After a long pause, Amir squeezed out,

      – There are in some places.

      – I understand

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