Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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clinic. Because of these events, Amir missed classes too often, which began to negatively affect his studies. Sultana and the investigator occupied all his free and not free time. Amir just became obsessed, and it seemed that he was personally involved in this case. Amir managed to take a picture of the girl’s legs, despite long persuasions, and he sent the photo to his father.

      Rashid was waiting for this photo. After Amir’s departure, he was not at ease. It was as if he had been waiting for this conversation. Rashid himself could not understand how two completely different girls could occupy such a significant place in his son’s life. Looking at Sultana’s legs, he lost his peace finally. Not seeing his son’s legs, he saw that his life was in great danger. And not even just in danger, but could lose it at any moment. Rashid locked himself in his office and did not come out for dinner. His wife knocked on the door.

      – What happened to you?

      – What makes you think that something happened to me? In his entire life, Rashid has never closed himself in his office, and even more so for a long time.

      Nina talked to him through the door and did not try to get inside. She hoped that her husband would come out to talk and want to see her. But he didn’t let her in and didn’t come out for dinner. She understood that something was wrong, and it had to do with their son. What Rashid saw simply horrified him, and only when he lay down to sleep he uttered the words, «oh, if I could only see his legs, everything could be changed. At these words, Nina got out of bed and handed her father a picture of Amir’s legs. – Where did you get this?

      – I made it while he was sleeping. It was summer.

      – What a good fellow you are. Rashid perked up and went to his office. He sat there all night. There were two photographs in front of him, and he examined them carefully.

      Amir was waiting for a call from his father, but nothing had been received for two days. – There is something wrong here. What are the lines of this girl’s fate hiding? Sultana herself considered Amir’s words reasonable, and did not neglect the luck that favored her so much, and decided to refuse the walk offered to her by the nurse. Instead, she decided to just sit in her room on the windowsill. Her room was on the second floor of the building, and she could clearly see the whole street. She liked to sit with her forehead against the window. This mostly happened in the afternoon. When there was nothing to do in the clinic, patients could walk on the territory, or just sit on a bench, Sultana just watched their walk from the window. These cute and harmless windowsill seats did not go unnoticed. One day a car drove up to the clinic and opening the window, one person just took a picture and drove on.

      While all these events were developing, the investigator was trying to convey to the ears of the Guilt that Arthur is a dangerous criminal. He showed her photos of the murdered girls. He showed her statements about missing girls, and according to the descriptions, these girls worked for him. But Vina didn’t want to believe it. She just could not believe that this was the man she loved so much. This information was a fatal blow for this girl, deciding to make sure of it herself, continuing to be faithful to Arthur, and between those and useful. – You understand that you are one of these girls, and you will suffer the same fate as the others. A beautiful girl performed here before you. And her body is not known to rest where. After these words, the Guilt seemed to recoil. She really could not imagine herself in Sultana’s place. For some reason, Vina considered herself better, and for some reason she thought that, she was closer to Arthur than Sultana herself was. But it turned out that besides her, Arthur had an excess of women that he got rid of. The investigator’s words were to some extent conveyed to her ears and Vina simply did not want to believe in them.

      The investigator’s visit was brought to Arthur’s ears. «Damn it, is it really the end for me. These damned girls will ruin me. And it all started with this Sultana. She is the one who messed up my business. Arthur tore and raged. He had almost regained consciousness, although there were not big gaps in memory, and sometimes his head was spinning. But the most important news he received was a photo with Sultana, who was sitting on the windowsill. – That is her. He roared, and slammed his fist into the wall. A nurse came in and made a remark.

      – Be quiet. There is already a lot of noise from you. Arthur wanted to make a reservation, but decided not to draw attention to himself and apologized.

      «I’ll kill her.» And all those who helped her. You found the runaway.

      – No. He covered his tracks.

      «So much the better for him. As soon as this fugitive shows up, it will be the last day of his life. Arthur could no longer stay in the hospital and decided to continue treatment on his own. He was discharged from the hospital and completely immersed in his affairs, and he had many things to do. The very first thing he did was to keep an eye on Sultana’s chambers. Every step she took was reported to Arthur, everyone who came and went to her, everyone with whom she had contact, were calculated. – What kind of guy is this who is constantly hanging around her.

      – One of them is an investigator, and I don’t know the second one, I know for sure that he is from Laos and studies at med.

      – So find out what he has not mediocre attitude to her. End what else he does besides her and his honey.

      – It will be done.

      Guilt was waiting in the wings, and that hour has come. Arthur came to her. For the first time he looked at the girl not as a commodity, and she seemed beautiful to him. Vina had shoulder-length hair, but that did not interfere with her beauty.

      – How are you doing? The wine was delivered to Moscow in a completely different way from Sultana and this served as further developments. Arthur had obligations to her family, and this burdened him and forced him to maintain a relationship with this girl.

      – I am fine. I do not need anything. How is your health? Have you been gone that long? At these words, the girl’s eyes filled with sadness, but Arthur pretended not to notice it.

      – You might think that they missed me here. These words touched the girl to the quick, but she did not show it. Arthur was always rude, and he never hid it. Vina wanted to say the words, but put them aside for later, and fell silent.

      – The police came to you. What did she want? Vina turned cold with fear and was caught off guard. She had no idea that she was being followed.

      – Yes. She came. They were wondering if I knew anything about the accident. About those who were sitting in the car.

      – You know, you had better tell the truth, because I will find out anyway. Then look, decide for yourself. With these words, Arthur left, and the Guilt remained with the unspoken words. Arthur’s behavior and words made her reconsider all the events that were happening. She was not having as much fun now, either, as in the days when she had just arrived in Moscow.

      Arthur, on the contrary, seeing the love in the girl’s eyes, surprisingly softened. After the events that happened to him, he reconsidered his life and realized that no one really needed him. No one loved him, and he had so few loyal people left. He did not know what love was because he had lost his mother once. Now he saw exactly the same light in the eyes of this lovely girl. He was never met like this by any of his captives; he always saw anger, hatred, and rage. Curses were hurled at him. This girl greeted him as a dear guest, and thanked him for the way he treated her. Arthur was pleased with this, and he decided to take a closer look at this girl.

      A few days later, Arthur was informed that Amir has the gift of palmistry

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