Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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sleeping. Let him rest.

      – I understand that she has been sleeping for a long time. She needs to be examined and assisted. You are a future doctor yourself and you understand how serious this is. She was in an accident.

      – «You’re right. She has just been through so much. That I am just sorry to wake her up. The doctor examined Sultana in a semi-fainting state. Nurses came to take tests. She herself could not walk, and was still silent.

      – The patient is dehydrated. Decline of strength. And severe bruises after the accident. There are no fractures. I understand that your patient does not know the language. Who will be the translator?

      – I will be.

      – You cannot stay around all the time. We have a nurse in the clinic who knows the language. I think we can handle it. We will take care of our patient with you.

      – Thank you Doctor. The most important thing is that this information should be confidential.

      – I remember that. With these words, Igor and the doctor exchanged smiles.

      Amir stood at the door of Sultana’s room and waited for the nurse to come out. The nurse came out and he came in. Sultana looked at him questioningly. – What do you want from me?

      – Nothing. I just want to help you.

      – Why?

      – I cannot tell you about it right now. But trust me. When you get better, I will tell you everything about myself. I am not one of the people who want to hurt you. Now rest. They are bringing you lunch right now. I am leaving. I have to go to class, I am studying to be a doctor, and he showed his student ID. Sultana wanted to believe him so much, and she almost believed him, but the deceptions she experienced made her stay on guard. Amir left and lunch was brought to the ward.

      CHAPTER 6

      As described earlier. There was one fatal outcome in a car collision. The rest of the passengers survived. Two of whom escaped are Arthur’s driver and Sultana herself. The two who were sitting in the back seat were hospitalized, and Arthur himself was on the verge of death, his condition was critical. His condition was in the hands of everyone, since everyone was afraid of him, and everyone wanted him dead, with the exception of not many people devoted to him. These were his loyal dogs who served him faithfully, but there were only a few of these people, they had been walking with him since the creation of this dirty business, and he had another loyal person ready to give his life for him, this person was the Fault. Vina loved him with all her heart and soul. Arthur did not know about it. He had nothing to do right now, and especially not to her. He was in a coma.

      At the time of his absence, there was essentially no one to do his business. Arthur did not have such a deputy to whom everything could be left. Arthur never thought that one day he might find himself in such a position as he is now. In all countries where Arthur conducted his business, including Russia, they held their own meeting and decided what to do next. In all restaurants and brothels, there were managers who reported to him the entire situation. For the first time, it was decided to wait until the owner comes to his senses, and leave everything as it is. Most of the women rejoiced among themselves, as they had a chance to escape and at the same time stay alive. Many guards escaped, taking a large sum of money. They fled abroad, changed their names, hoping that they would not be found. Mostly they were young youths who did not have parents, and if there were distant relatives, they did not need them. They ran first, ran without looking back. And all those who remained, they just prayed, and everyone prayed to himself, asking God to call the soul of this villain to him as soon as possible, so that she would answer for all that he had managed to do on this earth. Only the dogs devoted to him asked for health for their master, they actually loved this man.

      While all these events were taking place, Sultana’s father returned home and fully recovered from his illness. He was not that old and looked good enough. Karima and her husband did not want to leave him alone, believing that he was still weak. Ahmed was so grateful to his friends for what they had done for him, and believed that he had already given them a lot of trouble. – I do not even know how to thank you.

      – And we do not need anything. It was an honor for us to help your daughter and take care of the father who raised such a daughter. We believe that, thanks to the Sultan, this dark man will be punished. And we will do everything that depends on us.

      – You have already done a lot. Thank you very much. With these words, the guests left. Ahmed was left alone, and did not yet realize that he was at home. The realization that he was alone did not come to him, and he did not want to understand it. Ahmed was looking forward to the call from the police, with the news that his daughter was alive. Karima’s husband put the house in order after the debacle, which was arranged by Arthur’s people. They also bought groceries, cooked food, and Ahmed could only wait for good news. But there was no news. And he understood that at any moment there could be news that Sultana was no more. Time passed, and Ahmed completely faded. He stopped leaving the house. To cook food, and had little contact with the neighbors.

      Arthur’s situation remained just as hopeless, he was between heaven and earth. Vina prayed for him every day. She could not imagine herself without him. This girl did not allow the thought that he might not be, and she would have to return to her homeland not married to him. Vina was going to marry him, and did not allow the thought that she might not succeed. The news that Sultana was dead only made her happy. Vina considered Sultana her rival, and allowed the idea that she would have to fight. If she knew Sultana’s plans, she would not be her rival, but her and Arthur’s common enemy. Since Sultana was a threat to Arthur’s life.

      The police were sorting out Arthur’s case, but in fact, there was nothing to accuse him of. As always, he got away with it everywhere. Somewhere he exceeded the speed limit; somewhere he was rude, he could not be accused of kidnapping or murder anywhere. Although a lot of evidence has already pointed to him, and his figure has figured in many dark cases. Many investigators dreamed of solving this case, putting an end to this case, getting a promotion, and were glad to everyone who wanted to help this case. One of these investigators was a friend of Igor. He gladly took up this task, and happily shook Amir’s hand.

      – Your dancer is lucky. If she managed to escape from this slave owner. Usually these girls do not survive. And those who survive, they don’t go to the police out of fear, they just hide well. Amir listened to the investigator’s words with bitterness. I will be happy to interrogate the victim. I understand she is considered dead, and she is well hidden.

      – Yes, it is.

      – You did the right thing. This will all remain between us. When can I question her?

      – «She’s too weak right now, and she’s scared. She has been through a lot.

      – I understand. I will be in touch, and the sooner I question her, the better. The next day, Amir went to the Sultan, and to his surprise, the girl looked well. She made friends with a nurse who spoke the same language with her, and the nurse managed to convince the Sultan that she was not in captivity. Amir came into the room and looked at her questioningly. There was a change in her beautiful eyes, fear disappeared from them, and Sultana looked questioningly at Amir. Sultana looked like a medical worker. She was wearing white trousers and a sweatshirt, this form of clothing suited her, and was combined with her skin color. Amir hesitantly stood at the front door and was afraid to go in.

      – Hi.

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