Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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on the contrary, softer. Maybe thanks to her gentleness, Arthur will be able to take this beauty away voluntarily, and in addition to everything, she herself contributes to her removal.

      Sultana lived out her days in the staff room. She could not talk to anyone, eat as she was used to, she did not have the opportunity to bathe and clean up. Her life has turned into an even bigger nightmare than it was before coming to Russia.

      The first of September came, and all the students started classes. Amir and Lyosha were surprisingly happy about this day. – The day of knowledge has finally arrived.

      – Yes, with his funny smile, Lyosha picked up. The girls at the institute were waiting for Amir; they really needed to know everything about the guys they met in the summer.

      – What nonsense. You might think that they have written on their feet in detail about every guy they meet.

      – «Isn’t that right?»

      – Of course not. You can read fate, not a fleeting acquaintance.

      – And why are you guessing on your feet?

      – I did not study it. I inherited this gift through the male line. He came to me by himself. And my father helped me figure it out.

      – Cool. You are lucky. You can find out everything about every person. No, not about everyone. I cannot read my destiny. And my father has not read it until now, and I do not know where danger may await me.

      – So no one knows where danger awaits him. That is the whole joke.

      – You know, you are right; it is actually easier to live this way. Not knowing what is waiting for you around the corner.

      – You see! And don’t forget that I ordered us a table in an oriental restaurant.

      – So early. Plenty more time.

      – So there are no more free tables. Everything is packed!

      – Holy shit. Is it really going to be such an evening there.

      – yes. There will even be real oriental musicians.

      – You are doing great. And I completely forgot about this oriental dinner.

      Arthur was trying to find out what Sultana’s father had managed to do against him. What he managed to tell the police, and how the search is progressing. This information did not give him peace of mind, Arthur wanted to personally fly to this area and find out everything, but out of fear of attracting attention to himself, he said goodbye to this thought. «I’ve seen enough of this town,» he thought. And I decided to send a well-tested person. Arthur had people who served him like dogs. But there were few of them. And he got rid of the rest as soon as he didn’t need them. He himself was preparing for the opening of a restaurant in Moscow, and was going to fly there in the coming days. He was more interested in how to take the Blame with him. Something told him that there would be more problems with her than with Sultana. It was easier to get rid of Sultana, Vina was too necessary and famous a person. Her search could create too many problems, but Arthur was obsessed with revenge, and revenge clouded his eyes. At his own risk, he negotiated with the owner of the restaurant where the Wine was performed. But these negotiations were in vain. – Her family will not do it. The man answered, and spread his hands. Arthur decided to talk to the Guilt itself, deciding not just to bribe her, but also to recoup. Promising that as long as she works for him, her family will not need anything. The fault itself was not against this trip, it remained to persuade the family, and the girl took on this complexity. Of course, Arthur could not understand the purpose of Vina’s visit to Russia, but her goal was simple. Vina fell in love with this villain and was ready to go anywhere just to be with him. This happened when Arthur began to come to their restaurant and stay there, the wine was already dancing there at that moment. He often came to this restaurant to look after a girl for work; it could be a waiter or a dancer. No one suspected where the girls were disappearing. Everyone thought they were just quitting. And his next victim was Guilt. She took over negotiations with her parents and a few days later the plane with Vina and Arthur flew to Russia. Vina had no idea who she was falling in love with.

      Arthur was ready to do anything to find a replacement for Sultana. And when he finds a replacement for the Fault, he will have to either return it or get rid of it. But he wasn’t thinking about it now, his head was busy opening the «Oriental Fairy Tale». There was exactly a week left before the opening, and Arthur, to his misfortune, decided to show Vina Moscow. He did it not out of love for her, but in order to appease her and win her over. Vina took it all completely differently and her eyes shone with brilliance. Arthur did not notice this, he was thinking about his plans, and placed the Wine in one of his apartments, not very far from the restaurant. He did not want to arouse any suspicion towards himself and created the promised conditions for Guilt. Vina had a connection to the house when she wanted to, and everything went well. She was guarded as carefully as Sultana, only she did not know about it, and she did not really go anywhere without Arthur’s escort. Food was delivered to her apartment, and she did not need anything.

      Meanwhile, Sultana, who was mourning her father, was obsessed with revenge, she so wanted to take revenge, or even destroy her tyrant, who had done to her and her father what she is going through now. But Sultana understood that she had almost no chance of salvation. She had not spoken to anyone since arriving in Moscow, she did not know the language, no one contacted her, there were three days left before her performance, and all these days she had to stay locked up. One of these days, Amir went to the morgue after studying, he accepted this invitation with pleasure, not expecting it from himself. When he entered the morgue building, he immediately smelled death and felt sick. The morgue is a creepy place. Moreover, this applies to people with supernatural abilities. It seemed to Amir that he could hear the voices of the dead, or even see souls walking along the corridor. But moments later, the visions disappeared. – Don’t be afraid. Said the guy. – We should be afraid of the living.

      – «You’re right. Amir looked around in horror, not daring to go forward.

      – «You’re going to have to go through this anyway. They will take you to the morgue anyway. All students go through this.

      – I know. Somehow, I am not ready.

      – It is better to step over yourself right away. This guy was acting so naturally. He was just born to work in the morgue. Amir got the impression that he came to the museum for a tour. This guy was acting so lively. He was always saying something. – Look at me. He said, and passed his hand over himself. – I have been working part-time here at night for six months, and nothing, I am used to it.

      – Are you working part-time? So it’s a side job for you.

      – Yes. Everything suits me. And the money is good. I am my own boss. Shut down and work. And you can’t please the living.

      Amir bit his lower lip. – Now I fully understand why girls run away from you. Amir was scared to be with this guy in the morgue. And he, not daring to go any further, took a few steps back.

      – Where are you going? Do not be afraid to come in. It is easier to work here at night. There are no bosses.

      – No thanks. I will come on this tour with my guide and a group.

      – Are you scared? I do not bite. You said something to me about my girls. So why are they all running? Amir has already taken

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