Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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daughter is in great danger. And maybe you are too. You need to contact the police urgently. The woman and her husband told Ahmed everything. – It is better to call the police right now.

      – «Yes, but its night, and we haven’t been attacked. We have to wait for the morning and go to the station.

      – When you are attacked, it will be too late. It is extremely dangerous for you to even stay here. My husband has heard about the dark deeds of this bandit. Many people are already talking about him. Ahmed could not believe what had happened. Sultana sat with a drooping face and was silent. She was breathing fast and had a terrible headache.

      Ahmed fed the guests a modest dinner. Apologizing all the time for my modesty, I was not expecting guests, and I am not satisfied with much myself. After dinner, he offered the guests a modest bed for the night, and escorting them to the room, all the time apologized for his poverty. The guests were well mannered, and as poor as the Sultana family.

      – What are you? We live the same way as you. Wealth is not about money. This Arthur, he is much poorer than we are. Ahmed was pleased to hear these words. Smiling through his beard and mustache, he said, «You’re right. With these words, he left the guests alone and went to Sultana’s room.

      Sultana sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her father. Her father sat down next to her and took her hand. – Well, how so. How did it happen that I could lose you at any moment? Sultana looked into her father’s eyes with eyes full of tears; she barely restrained herself from crying.

      – «Oh, Dad, I don’t know. I miss my childhood so much. I really want to get back into it. When Mom was around, when I felt safe. I am so sorry that I once went dancing.

      – And I regret that I allowed all this. I should have locked you up and never let you out. But nothing Allah is great. He will enlighten our minds and send us help and the key to the right decision. Sultana smiled sweetly and, without saying anything in response, continued to look at her father.

      – Dad, I am so afraid of losing you.

      – Don’t be afraid. I will not leave this world before my time. How many earthly days Allah has given me, so long will I stay here. Do not worry. Sultana squeezed his hand even tighter. Her father stayed with her for another minute, kissed her on the top of her head and left the room. My father gave up his room to the Sultan, and he spent the night in the living room. He prayed hard all night, and fell asleep in the morning.

      While Sultana’s father was praying, Arthur kept an eye on their house. – When the morning finally comes. He uttered these words in such a nasty voice that the driver involuntarily shuddered. – When will these compassionate guests finally leave, and in the end, I will shoot them so that they do not climb anywhere. Dawn was coming, and all the residents of the house got up to perform prayer. After that, a delicious breakfast was waiting for them. Breakfast was lively. The guests talked about their city, their family and shared recipes. It was time to say goodbye, and they were going with great reluctance.

      – We are not kicking you out.

      – We are just scared to leave you. It is so dangerous to live in such fear, when at any moment they can kill.

      – It was so nice to meet Swami. God has sent me people who value my daughter’s life so much. Allah bless you. And after saying goodbye to them, he closed the door. After getting into the car and driving a short distance away, the woman called the police.

      – Urgent! She was shouting into the phone. Armed attack.

      – What are you? Are you crazy? What are you doing?

      – You will find out now. Come back. The husband obeyed his wife and returned. Exactly five minutes have passed. Arthur was already getting out of the car, and his men, armed, were approaching the house.

      – Wait. She stopped him. Wait for the police to arrive. Perhaps Sultana’s father will need help. Allah, protect their home. People have already entered the house, knocking the door off their feet. The police were approaching. The siren could be heard.

      Sultana stood up, covering her father with herself. The father threw back the Sultan and the shot hit him in the shoulder. Hearing the arrival of the police, one of the people grabbed Sultana and ran out with her into the street, Arthur was waiting for him. They quickly left, leaving an order for two to kill the remaining two and escape. People quickly obeyed the order; they opened fire, killing their partners. Having quickly completed their task, they did not have time to escape, the police entered the house. One of the two jumped out of the window and quickly ran away, the second opened fire on the police, and pushing them ran out into the street. The police shot at him on the street and he was wounded.

      The police and the guests who did not leave entered the house. Sultana’s father was alive, but seriously wounded. He was breathing heavily, but he was in his right mind. They could not tell him that she had been abducted.

      – She is already at the station. Everything will be fine soon.

      – You did not leave!

      – No. The woman said with a smile. We are swami to the end. Ahmed smiled back and closed his eyes. An ambulance took him away. Karima and her husband drove to the police station to tell the police everything. – This girl came running to me to spend the night. She managed to escape from the clutches of this bandit. Now, fate has changed her again. This bandit is so strong. I have heard many terrible things about him. Karima told all this with such an expression. Her husband talked to the investigator alone, their conversation lasted a long time. He knew a lot more about Arthur than his wife. He did not let his wife into such secrets. She only knew what she had heard on the street.

      – Thank you for your testimony, they will help us a lot in the investigation. The woman smiled happily, after waiting for her husband, took him by the hand, and left the station with him. Karima was such an adult, intelligent and, of course, a beautiful woman that the shawl in which she was wrapped like a blanket could not hide her beauty. Her husband knew about it. And I always tried to wrap it as carefully as possible. Therefore, after leaving the station, he made a stop and corrected all the details of the handkerchief on it. Karima loved it so much when he did it, it did not bother her at all, but on the contrary pleased her. They got into the car and drove to the hospital to visit Ahmed.

      The last thing Sultana saw was her father falling from a gunshot wound. Next, she was seized and taken away. Sultana was sitting in the back seat in a semi-fainting state. She did not want to live. She thought her father was dead. Sultana did not have time to see anything, she only heard the howling of the approaching police, and she did not know what happened next. All these events happened in just two or three minutes. She did not have time to understand anything. It seemed to her that barbarians had raided their house, destroyed the entire inventory, killed her father, and she was kidnapped and sent into slavery. To some extent, it was. Only her father remained alive, the entire destroyed inventory remained in place. His own men, one managed to escape, killed two of Arthur’s men, the wounded man was on his last legs, which caused a lot of trouble to Arthur. He was afraid that he would shake up something superfluous and then he would be finished. He could not find a place for himself, and sent one of his men to finish him off.

      Despite the fact that Sultana was not well educated enough, she had the dexterity of mind that she inherited from her mother. But her main quality was the ability to eavesdrop, she could hear even what the walls could not hear. This girl was always silent, but her ears were the ears of the walls. Sultana realized that she had taken

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