Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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money, but she did not know where, her master was such an influential man, she was afraid of him all the time. She could not imagine living in a foreign country without knowing the language. Not knowing where to run and who to turn to for help. He had her documents, and she was thinking how to steal them. The main problem was that she did not know where her passport was. All these problems suffocated the poor girl, and Sultana drowned in her grief.

      To some extent, Sultana did not live as badly as it seemed. She did not need anything, her work was well paid, she sent the main part to her father, and she kept less for herself. Sultana lived in good conditions, and a guard was assigned to her to protect her beauty. The owner himself did not encroach on it, he needed it for business. The Sultan was afraid of her future, and even more so she did not want to fly to Russia. She wanted to escape from reality, to start all over again, she already wanted to get married more than to work as a dancer, and Sultana decided to escape. Sultana noticed that one of the guards was not indifferent to her and decided to use feminine charm. She was right, the guard succumbed to her charms, and after a few dates, and the poor girl was already asking him for help.

      – Of course I will help you. I do not want you to leave either. I will not let you die. To be alone in a foreign country, with this dark man. You will disappear there, or he will get rid of you eventually. Let us run away together. I am going to marry you. You and I will leave and live with me. At first, the Sultan was frightened by this proposal, but after a little reflection, she agreed. It was a chance to start life over. Having accepted his offer, she completely trusted the guard and her life was in his hands. It was decided that the passport would be seized at night while the owner was watching Sultana’s performance. I had exactly a month left before leaving for Russia. Sultana could not believe her luck. There was a man who would help her get rid of this slavery.

      – After I steal your passport, we will run away early in the morning when everyone is asleep. We will hide at my friends’ place in the market and sit out until night. And at night we will be taken to my city, and we will be safe. Sultana was elated with happiness. She thought for a minute that she was in love with this guard. Who is capable of madness for her sake? But the guard was not just in love, he loved, and loved with all his heart.

      Night was falling, and Sultana was preparing to perform. She was beautiful. Just gorgeous. She was bold and at the same time gentle and these oriental costumes simply emphasized the curve of her waist and complemented her oriental beauty. Early in the morning, the girl had already packed her things; it was a small bag and hid it under the bed. After the performance, she was to be brought home, and two guards were to guard the entrance to her house. When she was brought back, she looked for her friend with her eyes, but for some reason he was not in his place. There was another one instead. Her heart was pounding. What could have happened? She did not show that she was worried, but inside her soul was all in tears. In the morning, Sultana went to the door and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation, tried to hear a familiar voice, but it was in vain, she did not hear anything. Realizing that something had happened, and deciding not to find out what had happened to her savior, Sultana began to eavesdrop on every word.

      Sultana was allowed to leave the walls of her house on certain days, strictly accompanied by guards, and of course, so that her master was notified of this. Sultana worked every evening, and sometimes at night. She no longer liked dancing as much as it once began in her hometown. When it all started, Sultana was a very young girl, and was under the wing of her father. She always came home, and was not afraid of anything. Now the dance meant nothing to her, it was just a reminder of her mother, sometimes she danced so expressively and this made the dance even more spectacular and attractive, at these moments she remembered how her mother taught her. Sometimes she liked to dance for the audience, because it was her only entertainment. Sultana loved dancing, but lately she believed that dancing had ruined her life, and now her life will never be the same.

      Exactly a week has passed, and every evening, returning home, Sultana looked imploringly and questioningly into the eyes of each guard. But there was silence in response. Sometimes she tried to talk to each of them, but all her attempts were in vain. Each of the guards was working his shift, but none of them said a word. Deep down, she hoped that her lover would find her and they would run away, as he promised, but her heart told her something completely different. Every morning there was a change of post, and Sultana eavesdropped on their conversation, hoping that someday they would blab. One shift was too harsh, she did not like them, and she never went shopping with them. Sultana studied each of them, and waited for the others, who were constantly whispering, and thus she sometimes learned news, including those that concerned her.

      – God forbid anyone such a fate. She heard.

      – It is your own fault. Contacted a woman. So I got it.

      – May Allah rest his soul. Hearing these words, Sultana’s legs gave way and the girl realized that her savior would not come again. She covered her mouth with her hands and continued to listen so as not to miss a word.

      – May he arrive in paradise. He died for love, and is worthy of paradise.

      – Yes, yes, he will arrive in paradise. The lesson to be learned from this is that our host Arthur does not forgive such tricks. We need to be extremely careful.

      – «You’re right. And what will happen to her? To be honest, I feel extremely sorry for her. He’s got to get rid of her, too.

      – I think so too. As soon as he does not need her, she will face the same fate as her fiance. I feel sorry for her too, but I do not want a bullet in the forehead. Sultana pressed herself against the door and tears flowed down her cheeks. After hearing everything she needed to know, and realizing that she would no longer see her own father, and that she was no longer a tenant in general. Sultana realized that she was just a temporary bait for money. She sat on the edge of her bed and hung her head on her hands.

      – I will not give up. I will run away, even without a passport. I will run away anyway. She decided so and lay down on the bed. Her thoughts were confused, tears choked her, she could not afford to cry, so as not to swell her eyes, pain tore her chest, and the girl fell asleep. Waking up, Sultana quickly came to her senses, and immediately decided that she was running at the first exit to the street. – I will run away to my city and tell the police everything, they know me there, and they will protect me there, even without a passport. I will hitch a ride, she thought, and warmed up her food. The evening was as boring as all the previous ones yesterday, Sultana brightly made up her eyes to cover up the traces of emotions. – Although he already knows about everything. Sultan was taken away to perform. She prayed to God that God would spare her from unnecessary meetings with Arthur.

      In the morning everything was according to the standard, Sultana had breakfast, cleaned herself up and asked to take her to the shopping center. As usual, two guards accompanied her. They were the ones she did not like. Sultana could not wait any longer and decided to try her luck and escape today. There were few people in the mall, she looked around nervously, and feeling her helplessness, she wanted to call for help. But quickly recovering, she continued the hike. Her body was trembling, but the girl did not show it, and did everything on autopilot so as not to arouse suspicion. They went into a clothing store, and she picked up a whole bunch of things.

      – Why does she need so many clothes? She does not go anywhere. Is she going to get married?

      – Yes! To the late groom!

      – I will go to him myself soon!

      – Quiet. We are in public.

      – Exactly. I forgot. She probably took it

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