Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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she did not even hear what they were talking about. She laughed sweetly with them, pretending that she did not understand what they were laughing at.

      Sultana went into the booth, closed the curtain and let out the air that had accumulated in her chest. The next booth was occupied on one side, on the other was empty. Thinking how she could escape, she bent down and tried to see the guards’ legs, and not seeing them, she was afraid to look out, so as not to attract attention. Sultana tried to see them through the curtains, but they were dense and nothing could be seen. Deciding to go to the extreme, she began to look through the crack. There were no guards in sight, and she had to look out even more, they were standing to the side and for some reason with their backs to her. She began to shake even more, or she was just confused, or it was fright, but Sultana hesitated and did not know what to do.

      – «She won’t run away from us?» One of them said, and turned to face the booth.

      – If he wants to die prematurely, then let him run.

      – Let her die, but I do not want to die because of some girl.

      – She has many rags, let her measure. Relax. And if she runs away, we’ll catch her and get praise from the boss.

      – A good option. I like the way you think. The partner smiled contentedly and looked at the fitting room. They were still standing with their backs to each other, but this time Sultana did not hear their conversation. She hung a fitting room door with rags, quickly changed clothes, wrapped herself in a long shawl, put on glasses and quickly left the booth, leaving the curtains closed and silently slipped into the rows of clothes. Sultana was choking with fear and confusion, not knowing where to run. She quickly and silently made her way to the exit and walked at a brisk pace, and then ran and ran out into the street.

      During the year of living here, Sultana had studied this area well and already knew from which bus stop and where the bus goes. Jumping into the first oncoming minibus, and all, trembling with fear, she sat down in the farthest corner, the door slammed shut, and the minibus drove off. Having reached the final stop, the girl got out of the gazelle with fear, and realizing that she was on the outskirts of the city, she breathed a sigh of relief. Now she had to get to her hometown and tell her father and the authorities everything. – How to do it? Go by bus or hitchhiking? Therefore, and so dangerous? Sultana understood the danger she was in, and if she were found, she would face the same fate as her fiance. She did not have a passport, so they will not put me on the bus. We will have to get there on our own. But Sultana was a woman, a Muslim woman, and hitchhiking was much scarier. Moreover, many men of the capital knew her by sight. Sultana went to the suburbs, she had money, and she rented a room from a single woman. A day later, she told her everything and asked for help. The woman believed her and with tears in her eyes promised to help.

      Two guards, who discovered the loss, turned themselves in to their boss. – Look for yourself. Alive or dead. Better alive. I need her for the case. You are two of my best guards; I would not like to see you with a hole in your forehead. The guards came out of the office briskly. A whole search party was assigned to search for Sultana.

      Arthur was a terrible man. His power was much greater than anyone suspected was. Not many people knew about it, and those who knew it were a few. His main official field of activity was cafes and restaurants. He himself did not like nightclubs, and therefore did not open them. Arthur liked to look after young girls and dancers, and later they found themselves in his slavery. It was his weakness. Only a few people knew about his slavery, the bulk of the workers believed that he was just a cruel restaurant owner who loves girls.

      By nature, yes, Arthur was very cruel. This cruelty had developed in him over the years, even his harsh features on his face spoke about it. He had such an evil face that, looking at him, you could tell a lot about this man. Arthur was not tall, about one hundred and sixty-five centimeters. A solid build, his skin was dark, and flabby, despite the fact that he was not old. He was about fifty years old. His eyes and hair were black, the arrangement of the hair on his head was similar to a lion’s mane, and they were stiff and not pleasant to the touch. His habit of combing his hair back with his left hand has developed over the years and over time, he did it so mechanically that the hair took a certain pose. His gaze was aquiline, his eyes glittered maliciously, and nothing could escape his gaze. His rough skin on his face and sunken dimples indicated that he smoked too much, and he always smelled unpleasantly of cigarettes. Despite all his rudeness, Arthur was always clean-shaven, and always wore the same suit and never changed it for another.

      Despite his hobby of looking after girls, Arthur did not like women, including Sultan. In his entire life, he has never been married, he has no children, and any woman has not yet conquered his heart. For him, women were a source of income, a living commodity, nothing more. And when he didn’t need the product, he just got rid of it without any regret. Its activities have been developed in several countries, including Russia. In addition, Arthur got rid not only of girls, this also applied to the male sex. As soon as he did not need a person, he saw him as a threat and the person disappeared without a trace. Everyone was afraid of him, and not everyone went to work for him. Those who went to work for him received good money and did not complain, they had no idea where they were. Many have already talked about his dark deeds, but no one opened his mouth more than necessary, everyone was afraid to disappear without a trace. Those who helped disappear without a trace disappeared after, so that there would be less talk. Arthur was afraid of unnecessary gossip, he considered it a threat, and thus covered his tracks.

      These two guards knew their outcome, so they prayed to God for help to find this escaped dancer. Meanwhile, Sultana was having a nice breakfast in the company of a kind woman who sheltered her. Sultana always cooked the food herself. She was not accustomed to ready-made food, and did not like it. For breakfast, she always mostly cooked scrambled eggs with tomatoes; it was their favorite dish with her father. At breakfast, Sultana always remembered her father and ate slowly to prolong the pleasure. This lovely woman listened to Sultana’s stories about her childhood, about the death of her mother, and finally about how she fell into slavery. – It seems to me that your master is a dark man. This woman was not so young, perhaps she understood people.

      – I think so too. He killed my fiance.

      – So you had a fiance? I did not know about it, but I was. I had a truly devoted person. He died for me. God did not give us the happiness to be happy, but I found out that I was loved. Sultana told the woman about the guy who tried to save her.

      – It is a sign that you can handle it. You will still be happy. You managed to escape. You are so young, so beautiful, and so smart. I feel that you will succeed. What city are you from?

      – Poypet.

      – Not very close. We need to think about how to transport you. My friends can take you to a nearby town and buy a bus ticket, but you are so young, I am afraid to let you go alone without documents.

      – I have no other choice. At least I will see my father there, and I will be safe. The whole town knows me there. And here the whole town knows this killer. No one will believe me.

      – I know. I know.

      – When your friends can take me.

      – Tomorrow. I will ask them, and they will take you tomorrow. Sultana’s eyes lit up with fire. She was already at home and did not think about the danger that lay in wait for her.

      A great danger awaited the Sultan, but she did not suspect it. Arthur was beside himself with anger, he was tearing and throwing. He did not kill his guilty guards, in principle,

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