Fractures in the Horse. Группа авторов

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Fractures in the Horse - Группа авторов

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scheme [174–176] (Figure 3.20). Physeal fractures are typically caused by a combination of compressive, shear and bending forces [176]. The proximal ulnar physis is not involved in the formation of a joint and is therefore termed an apophysis. The Salter–Harris classification system is therefore not completely applicable to fractures of the proximal ulnar physis, and a specific type 1–5 scheme is applied [178].

Bone/joint Anatomical region References
Scapula Distal aspect of the spine [140] [145]
Humerus Caudoproximal Craniodistal Medial diaphyseal Caudodistal [146] [144, 147] [148, 149]
Carpus Dorsomedial third carpal bone Radial carpal bone Intermediate carpal bone [150] [151] [89]
Third metacarpal Mid‐diaphyseal and supracondylar Parasagittal groove Proximal palmar Dorsal cortex Distal condyle [152] [60] [153] [154] [69] [155]
Proximal sesamoid Palmar flexor region Medial sesamoid abaxial mid‐body subchondral bone [38] [156]
Proximal phalanx Sagittal groove [157] [158]
Pelvis Ilial wing Pubis [159] [137] [160] [161] [162]
Tibia Distomedial Caudoproximal Caudal diaphyseal Proximolateral under the head of the fibula [163] [164] [148]
Tarsus Dorsolateral third tarsal bone [165] [166]
Lumbar spine L5–L6 vertebral junction [136]

      Source: Stover [170]. Reproduced with permission of Sage Publication.

Feature Qualifier Description
Location Epiphysis Fracture involves the end of a long bone
Physis Fracture involves an open physisa
Metaphysis Fracture involves a region of the bone adjacent to the physis on the side closest to the diaphysis
Diaphysis Fracture involves the central region of a long bone
Direction For example, proximodorsal to distopalmar Direction(s) of the fracture line(s) is (are) described from proximal to distal unless the direction of propagation is known (e.g. MCIII/MTIII condylar fractures progress from distal to proximal)
Plane For example, transverse, oblique, longitudinal, sagittal and dorsal Orientation of the predominant fracture line
Configuration Transverse Fracture courses perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bone
Longitudinal Fracture courses parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bone
Oblique Fracture courses along a flat plane obliquely through the bone (i.e. not parallel to a transverse or longitudinal plane)
Spiral Fracture has a spiral component
Butterfly Fracture has transverse and oblique components
Extent Complete Fracture courses completely through the bone, dividing it into two or more separate fragments
Incomplete Fracture does not course completely through the bone
Displacement Nondisplaced Fracture fragments remain in anatomic apposition
Displaced Fracture fragments separated, angulated or overriding, and no longer in anatomic apposition
Complexity Simple One fracture line dividing the bone into two separate fragmentsb
Intermediate May have one or two sizeable bony fragments (e.g. complete mid‐diaphyseal metacarpal/metatarsal fracture with a butterfly component)
Complex Multiple fracture lines and ≥3 bony fragments or greater comminution
Joint involvement Non‐articular The fracture does not extend through an articular surface
Articular The fracture courses through an articular surface
Contamination Closed The skin overlying the fractured bone is intact and not penetrated by the injury
Open The skin has a wound over the fracture that introduces contamination and increases the risk of infectionc
Other Avulsion

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