Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies. Группа авторов

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Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies - Группа авторов

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and to secure higher profitability to the farmers in the long run. Rice–wheat acreages increase substantially in Indo‐Gangetic plains (IGPs) zone due to better irrigation infrastructures and higher response to the applied inputs for long time. Also, the government support system was developed over the period to safeguards the interest of the cereal growers through better pricing, input supply, and other incentives like increased availability of quality seed of improved varieties to the farmers. Later the stockholders including the farmers realized the faults in the ongoing cereal‐based system and promoted crop diversification in originally green revolution areas.

      The technological development in all sectors of crop production also promoted farmers awareness to explore for crop diversification. High yielding varieties, suited to different ecologies, were developed in oilseeds, pulse crops, and millets and improved agronomic practices. These also helped in harnessing higher productivity from the diversified cropping system. The better minimum support price of the millets, oilseeds, and pulses also help in increasing the farmers’ awareness for bringing more and more area under crop diversification. The inclusion of leguminous crop not only helps in maintaining optimum soil fertility but also helps in minimizing the impact of biotic and abiotic stresses among the crop plants due to alteration in host–pathogen relationship. It helped in maintaining over all ecological balance in agriecosystem.

      India is a highly diversified country in terms of climatic conditions, soil types, topography, and other agro climatic conditions. Therefore, the ICAR has divided the whole country into 15 agroclimatic zones. This help for wider cultivation of number of crops in the country. India is also one of the mega biodiverse countries and many of the crops originated in India. Traditionally, the farmers were practicing a diversified cropping system by inclusion of many crops during different crop season. But over the period, after green revolution and increasing government efforts and food demand, lot of emphasis has been paid only to cereal‐based system. This resulted in growing of one or two crops only.

       Diverse agro‐climatic conditions

       Diverse weather within a year

       Huge market

       Great potential for processing and value addition

       Large number of crops, including underutilized

      It is very pertinent to suitably identify the nature of composition of crops for fool proof crop diversification plans in a specific locality. Area shifts and crop pattern changes can lead either to crop specialization or to crop diversification. Green Revolution technologies led to cereal centered specialization in large part of the country. But, later when increased productivity of food grains, especially cereals, made it possible to allocate more area to other crops such as oilseeds with a severe supply shortage, the specialization tendency witnessed earlier has given room for overall crop diversification. Crop diversification can be practiced successfully in spatial and temporal dimensions.

      Schematic illustration of agro-ecological regions map of the country (2015) and revised Bio-climates of India (2015). Schematic illustration of agro-ecological regions map of the country (2015) and revised Bio-climates of India (2015).

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