Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies. Группа авторов

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Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies - Группа авторов

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0b13e832-87bb-5424-b3fa-133f02a47ec9">Table 2.1 Crop diversification options with oilseed crops.

      Source: Modified from Palaniappan and Jeyabal 2002.

Crop Area suggested for diversification
Rapeseed‐mustard The short duration, terminal heat resistant varieties like PM 25, PM 26, and PM 28 As a substitute of meager productive rainfed wheat In diaratract in northern and eastern India A very good intercrop has positive allopathic effect on associated crops.
Groundnut The short duration varieties can be introduced in many low rainfall areas during kharif season and as summer crop in the areas of adequate irrigation facilities. As a substitute crop for minor millets in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Orissa Substitute rice–groundnut with rice–rice system to prevent buildup of pests and diseases
Soybean As a replacement crop for low yielding upland rice, minor millets growing areas of in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Orissa As a complementary rotational crop in pest endemic areas of rainfed cotton. In nontraditional areas of North‐Eastern Hill sunder agripastoral or agri‐silvicultural Diverting some kharif cereal area to soybean in situations of water scarcity and to restore soil health in North India.
Sunflower As are placement crop for low yielding wheat, cotton, chickpea, sorghum crops under black cotton soils in peninsular India. As a spring crop in Northern India after harvest of rabi season crops.
Sesame The short duration cv are good for raising as kharif crops in many areas. Also as a summer crop in central peninsular and Eastern India where only limited irrigation is available.
Castor This is a nonedible but commercially very important crop and can be grown as substitute crop of cotton in Rajasthan and as bund crop in all regions.

      Source: Reddy and Suresh 2006.

Prevailing crop Suggested crop Region
Rice fallow Rapeseed‐mustard, soybean, and sesame Eastern part of the country, Cauvery deltaic areas of Tamil Nadu and Coastal Andhra Pradesh
Upland rice Groundnut (Kharif), soybean, and sunflower Upland rice areas of Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, and A.P.
Cotton Safflower and sunflower Karnataka and adjoining areas of A.P.
Chickpea, dryland wheat, and coriander Safflower (sole crop) A.P. (rabi), Karnataka, Maharashtra, part of M.P. (Malwa region)
Linseed and barley Safflower (sole crop) South eastern Rajasthan (Udaipur)

      Source: Data from Rathore et al. 2020.

Cropping systems System productivity, kg/ha WEY, kg/ha Production efficiency, kg/ha/day System NR, Rs./ha System profitability, Rs./ha/day SP WEY
Maize‐wheat 46556c 9179d 211.6a 42.2a 118027d 536.4a
Maize‐mustard (PM26)‐late wheat (HD 3118) 48901b 11834b 168.6c 50.6b 137478b 474.0c
Maize‐mustard (PM28)‐late wheat (HD 3118) 49922a 12252a 172.1b 51.9b 144996a 499.9b
Zn levels
Control 44881.5c 10332d 166.5d 46.4a 117975d 435.4d
Zn 2.5 48810.8b 10828c 180.9c 46.8ab 126037c 465.9c
Zn 5.0 49570.4b 11622b 183.9b 49.7b 141019b 520.5b

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