Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies. Группа авторов

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Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies - Группа авторов

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pulses are an integral part of subsistence cropping system in large part of the country. The pulses are grown in almost all types of cropping systems as a sole crop, intercrop, catch crop, relay crop, cover crop, and green manure crop, etc., under sequential/mono‐cropping in different agroecological regions. Under dryland areas pulses are predominant due to their low water requirements. The development of short duration varieties of mungbean, urdbean, and pigeonpea has paved way for crop diversification and intensification in many parts of IGP zones (Table 2.4).

      Source: Based on Singh et al. 2009.

Cropping systems Possible niches Suitable varieties
Tur‐wheat system North‐West U.P., Haryana, Punjab, and North Rajasthan Virat, Pusa Vishal, UPAS 120, Manak, Pusa33, AL 15, AL201
Maize‐rabi pigeonpea Central and Eastern U.P., North Bihar, West Bengal, Assam Pusa 9, Sharad
Maize‐potato/mustard + mungbean/urdbean Punjab, Haryana, and West U.P. Mungbean: Pant Mung 2, PDM11,HUM 2, SML668, Pusa Vishal Urdbean: PDU 1, NarendraUrd 1, Uttara
Spring sugarcane + mungbean/urdbean East U.P., Bihar, West Bengal Mungbean: Pant Mung 2, PDM 11, Narendra Mung 1 Urdbean: PDU 1, Pant Urd 19
Rice‐mungbean Orissa, Part of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, A.P. TARM 1, Pusa 9072
Rice‐urdbean Coastal area of A.P., Karnataka, Tamil Nadu LBG 17, LBG 402
Rice wheat mungbean Western U.P., Haryana, Punjab Pant Mung 2, Narendra Mung 1, PDM 139, HUM 2

      The crop diversification approach has been identified as one of the potential agronomic intervention to address many of the present challenges in farming across the globe. Even out of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), 6–7 SDGs have been identified as having greater involvement of CD to achieve them within set time framework.

Schematic illustration of diversified agri-horti system for higher system yield and income.

      Source: Jogendra et al. 2019.

S.No. Dietary factors Source vegetables
1 High energy Immature seeds of broad bean and peas, lima bean, tapioca, yam, colocasiacorms, potato, brussels sprouts, onion and garlic, sweet potato
2 Proteins Leguminous vegetable crops such as vegetable peas, beans, garlic, brussels sprouts, cowpea, lima bean seeds, amaranthus leaves, drumstick leaves, and menthe
3 Vitamin A (beta carotene) Carrot, spinach, turnip green, palak, sarson sag, amaranth, coriander, sweet potato, pumpkin, tomato
4 Vitamin B complex Peas, broad bean, lima bean, garlic, asparagus, colocasia and tomato
5 Vitamin C Turnip green, green chilies, brussels sprouts, mustard green, amaranth, coriander, drumstick leaves, cauliflower, KnollKhol Spinach, cabbage, bitter gourd and reddish leaves
6 Calcium Amaranth, parsley, palak, Chinese cabbage, kale, collard greens, broccoli, spinach
7 Iron Amaranth, beans, peas, spinach, radish leaves, turnip greens
8 Potassium Cowpea, peas, sword bean, colocasia, melons, potato, sweet potato, spinach, turnip green, collard greens, peas, beans


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