Computational Statistics in Data Science. Группа авторов

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Computational Statistics in Data Science - Группа авторов

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N cubed right-parenthesis"/>, the computational cost remains problematic in the big upper N and big upper P regime at script í’ª left-parenthesis min left-brace right-brace comma times times upper N 2 upper P comma times times NP 2 right-parenthesis after choosing the faster of the two.

      3.1.2 Conjugate gradient sampler for structured high‐dimensional Gaussians

      The conjugate gradient (CG) sampler of Nishimura and Suchard [57] combined with their prior‐preconditioning technique overcomes this seemingly inevitable script í’ª left-parenthesis min left-brace right-brace comma times times upper N 2 upper P comma times times NP 2 right-parenthesis growth of the computational cost. Their algorithm is based on a novel application of the CG method [59, 60], which belongs to a family of iterative methods in numerical linear algebra. Despite its first appearance in 1952, CG received little attention for the next few decades, only making its way into major software packages such as MATLAB in the 1990s [61]. With its ability to solve a large and structured linear system bold upper Phi bold-italic theta equals bold-italic b via a small number of matrix–vector multiplications bold-italic v right-arrow bold upper Phi bold-italic v without ever explicitly inverting bold upper Phi, however, CG has since emerged as an essential and prototypical algorithm for modern scientific computing [62, 63].

      Prior‐preconditioned CG demonstrates an order of magnitude speedup in posterior computation when applied to a comparative effectiveness study of atrial fibrillation treatment involving upper N equals 72 489 patients and upper P equals 22 175 covariates [57]. Though unexplored in their work, the algorithm's heavy use of matrix–vector multiplications provides avenues for further acceleration. Technically, the algorithm's complexity may be characterized as script í’ª left-parenthesis 
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