Computational Statistics in Data Science. Группа авторов

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Computational Statistics in Data Science - Группа авторов

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CPU, a many‐core GPU, or – in the future – a quantum computer. Sometimes, the first step is clear theoretically: a naive implementation of the high‐dimensional regression example of Section 3.1 requires an order script í’ª left-parenthesis upper N squared upper P right-parenthesis matrix multiplication followed by an order script í’ª left-parenthesis upper P cubed right-parenthesis Cholesky decomposition. Other times, one can use an instruction‐level program profiler, such as INTEL VTUNE (Windows, Linux) or INSTRUMENTS (OSX), to identify a performance bottleneck. Once the bottleneck is identified, one must choose between computational resources, or some combination thereof, based on relative strengths and weaknesses as well as natural parallelism of the target task.

      While a CPU may have tens of cores, GPUs accomplish fine‐grained parallelization with thousands of cores that apply a single instruction set to distinct data within smaller workgroups of tens or hundreds of cores. Quick communication and shared cache memory within each workgroup balance full parallelization across groups, and dynamic on‐ and off‐loading of the many tasks hide the latency that is so problematic for multicore computing. Originally designed for efficiently parallelized matrix math calculations arising from image rendering and transformation, GPUs easily speed up tasks that are tensor multiplication intensive such as deep learning [99] but general‐purpose GPU applications abound. Holbrook et al. [21] provide a larger review of parallel computing within computational statistics. The same paper reports a GPU providing 200‐fold speedups over single‐core processing and 10‐fold speedups over 12‐core AVX processing for likelihood and gradient calculations while sampling from a Bayesian multidimensional scaling posterior using HMC at scale. Holbrook et al. [22] report similar speedups for inference based on spatiotemporal Hawkes processes. Neither application involves matrix or tensor manipulations.

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold u Superscript upper T Baseline left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis script upper I Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis bold u left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis as bold u Superscript upper T Baseline left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis script upper I Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis script upper I left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis script upper I Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis bold u left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis 2nd Column Blank EndLayout

      for script upper I left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis and bold u left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis, the Fisher information and log‐likelihood gradient evaluated at the maximum‐likelihood solution under the null hypothesis. Letting bold upper A equals script upper I left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis equals bold upper M and bold b equals bold u left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove bold-italic theta With Ì‚ Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis, one may write the test statistic as

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