Second Language Pronunciation. Группа авторов

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Second Language Pronunciation - Группа авторов

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to the contrasting information produced when learners compare what they would and would not do in various situations.

      Even the most creative teachers do much of their teaching with textbooks and other published and unpublished materials. The use of such materials provides a curriculum to follow, activities to choose from, and a visible focus for language learning that is shared by everyone in the class. Textbooks, however, are designed to prioritize certain skills depending on the proficiency levels of the learners, the requirements of governmental boards or pedagogical decision makers, or many other constraints. Even the best integrated-skills textbooks emphasize some skills more than others. Pronunciation skills are among the least emphasized skills in most published materials (Levis & Sonsaat, 2016), and teachers who want to integrate pronunciation into their lessons need to understand where pronunciation fits best. Fortunately, it almost always fits.


      Figure 2.1 Possible pronunciation features in a fill-in-the-blank activity.


      Figure 2.2 Pronunciation and the learning of participial adjectives.

      Practical Resources for Pedagogy and Research

      Darcy, I., Rocca, B., & Hancock, Z. (2021). A window into the classroom: how teachers integrate pronunciation instruction. RELC Journal, 52(1), 110–127.

      Presents a corpus of 110 hours of ESL teaching to demonstrate how much pronunciation is and is not integrated into instruction when teachers explicitly plan to do so or only address pronunciation reactively.

      Jones, T. (Ed.). (2016). Pronunciation in the classroom: The overlooked essential. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press.

      An accessible book explaining and demonstrating a variety of practical techniques for integrating pronunciation with particular skill areas such as conversation and reading.

      Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education, 2019. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Adult and Community Learning Services.

      A rubric demonstrating how pronunciation skills can be incorporated into state-wide curricular decisions.

      Munro, M. J., & Derwing, T. M. (2020). Collecting data in L2 pronunciation research. In O. Kang, S. Staples, K. Yaw, & K. Hirschi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference (pp. 8–18). ISSN 2380-9566. Northern Arizona University, September 2019. Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

      For teachers and researchers

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