Second Language Pronunciation. Группа авторов

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Second Language Pronunciation - Группа авторов

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found to support it. In contrast, strong evidence now favors a more nuanced understanding of L2 pronunciation development. Flege et al. (1995a, 1995b) investigated the L2 English pronunciation of Italian immigrants to Canada who had arrived at a range of ages from early childhood to adulthood. They found no critical biological period after which the ability to acquire a nativelike accent precipitously declined. Instead, the relationship between age of arrival and strength of foreign accent was found to be linear. Therefore, while these studies provide evidence that it is better to learn L2 pronunciation at a younger age, they appear to falsify the CPH’s claim, that the learning mechanisms used in L1 acquisition are lost during brain lateralization. Flege et al. (1997) later established that the strength of individuals’ L2 accent is also strongly correlated with the quantity of their L2 experience and the extent to which L2 learners continue to use their L1s in everyday life. Taken together, this evidence suggests that the perceptual mechanisms utilized in L1 learning remain intact over the lifespan, but that accessing them becomes increasingly difficult. L2 learners are no longer a blank slate but come to the task with established L1 categories and typically fewer opportunities to obtain impactful experience with the L2 (Flege, 1995; Flege & Bohn, 2021).

      In the case of the English /l/-/ɹ/ contrast, acoustic information needed to discriminate these sounds is tuned out by Japanese L1 speakers, since it has no importance in their language (Brown, 1998). Similarly, English L1 learners of Mandarin tonal contrasts cannot easily recognize tonal distinctions because pitch cues associated with Mandarin tones are not used in the same way in English (Guion & Pederson, 2007). In sum, the primary source of difficulty in L2 pronunciation development is learners’ inability to reorient attention to phonetic information that they have learned to ignore (Chang, 2018). The processing efficiency that was an advantage to L1 learning has now become an impediment in L2 learning. To successfully learn L2 sounds, learners must re-educate this selective perception (Strange & Shafer, 2008). In the next section we will see that this is indeed possible.

      Critical Issues

      While L2 pronunciation development follows similar paths in both naturalistic and instructed learning contexts, what learners ultimately achieve varies. In naturalistic environments, perceptual processes remain largely automatic until there is a breakdown in communication, which may alert learners to problems with their perception of a sound. In contrast, instructed pronunciation learning affords more opportunities for teachers to explicitly orient learners’ attention to mismatches and to provide them with more attention-orienting input.

      Naturalistic L2 Pronunciation Development

      Despite the fact that adult L2 learners attempt to speak before they have much experience with the perception of L2 sounds, there remains a short lag between improvement in perception and corresponding improvement in production. Summarizing the literature, Thomson (2022) reports that L2 perception scores are typically higher than L2 production scores for the same sound categories. Some counter-examples of L2 production accuracy surpassing perceptual accuracy do exist (Goto, 1971). However, most cases come from researchers whose explicit aim is to disprove the claim that perception precedes production (e.g., Borden et al., 1983; Bradlow et al., 1997; Sheldon & Strange, 1982). As Thomson (2022) notes, the reading task used to elicit speech in these studies allows learners to apply explicit knowledge of how to produce words based on spelling. Consequently, it is a strategy for bypassing natural progression, rather than proof that production can otherwise precede perception. There is also no evidence that such a strategy would extend to spontaneous communicative contexts.

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