Muography. Группа авторов
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List of Tables
1 Chapter 4Table 4.1 The tuned hyperparameters of convolutional neural network and the...
2 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Maximum of corrected acceptance distribution, computed for every ...Table 7.2 Contribution to TOF module time resolution.Table 7.3 Nominal and effective acquisition time for each of the three data‐...Table 7.4 Event rate for the three measurement campaigns at NEC and the numb...
3 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Summary of the main parameters of the two data collection periods...Table 8.2 The relative density changes (Δρ rel ) are shown in standar...
4 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Physical parameters used in the numerical model.
5 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Proposed applications for muography as parts of the mine life cyc...
6 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Listing of tools for simulating muon propagation through matter.Table 16.2 Comparison of muon intensity at slant depths of 500, 1,000, and 2...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Integrated muon flux after passing through rock with a given thic...Figure 1.2 Principle of the muon tracking. The top view (a) and the side vie...Figure 1.3 Photographs of airborne muography. Distant (a) and close‐up (b) v...Figure 1.4 Muographic image of Satsuma‐Iwojima volcano, Japan. The arrow ind...Figure 1.5 Conduit magmatic convection model of Satsuma‐Iwojima volcano.Figure 1.6 Muographic image of Asama volcano, Japan (a) and images before an...Figure 1.7 Density variations of the central southern region of Honshu, Japa...Figure 1.8 Response of the muon flux to rainfall events. (a) The response in...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic of merging angular bins in generating a muographic imag...Figure 2.2 Schematic of the definition of X, Z, β, and D in equation 2....Figure 2.3 Schematic of the path length normalization approximation.Figure 2.4