The New Retirement. Jan Cullinane

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The New Retirement - Jan Cullinane

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      4 (A)0; (B)4; (C)3; (D)0

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       Total Points: Scoring

       Below 50 – Abort your retirement mission immediately. Key systems are not functioning properly.

       50–59 – A launch hold is in effect. More preparation is recommended.

       60–69 – A launch is possible but prepare for a bumpy ride.

       70–85 – You're cleared for takeoff. A few system checks and repairs may be necessary during the flight.

       Above 85 – A-OK. All systems are a go.



      1 Dychtwald, Ken, and Robert Morison. What Retirees Want. Wiley, 2020.

      2 Gilbert, Fritz. Keys to a Successful Retirement: Staying Happy, Active, and Productive in Your Retired Years. Rockridge Press, 2020.

      3 Leider, Richard. Who Do You Want to Be when You Grow Old?: The Path of Purposeful Aging. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2021.

      4 Moss, Wes. What the Happiest Retirees Know: 10 Habits for a Healthy, Secure, and Joyful Life. McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

      5 Petrow, Steven. Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old: A Highly Judgmental, Unapologetically Honest Accounting of All the Things Our Elders Are Doing Wrong. Citadel, 2021.

      6 Singletary, Michelle. What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide. Mariner Books, 2021.

       Websites (General)

      1 AARP (

      2 Next Avenue ( This site also has a great section for solo agers.

      3 TopRetirements (

       Websites (Targeted to Women)

      1 National Association of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW) (

      2 Sixty and Me (


      Retire Sooner Podcast with Wes Moss (over 60 podcasts):


      Does the idea of planning 168 hours a week for two or three decades (or more) sound thrilling or intimidating? If you deduct eight hours in a 24-hour period for sleeping (and I'm guessing not too many of us get a full eight hours of sleep every night), that still leaves 112 hours a week to “fill” mindfully or mindlessly. It was noted in Chapter 1 that it's important to replace the benefits, in addition to a paycheck, that working provides. That is what this chapter is about. Retirement doesn't mean sitting on the sidelines of life. It's the freedom to choose and forge new paths, pursuits, relationships, and opportunities. You can decide who you are and who you want to be. You can re-invent yourself. Kind of like our GPS, when we need to “recalculate.”

      But, is there a “sweet spot” for how much unscheduled time per day is best? You may have spent or you are spending much of your preretirement life with so many demands on your time, you feel you can barely make a trip to the bathroom. Retirement can change that time crush, but many retired people continue to over-schedule and still feel under constant time pressure. A 2021 study addressed this exact question about time – it turns out people are generally happiest with about two to five hours of unstructured time per day. Fewer than two hours created stress, while more than five hours each day of free time negatively affected feelings of well-being and feeling purposeful. So, just as in the story of Goldilocks (as in many facets of life), there is a balance that is often “just right.” And, what's the best thing to do with that “free time”? The researchers found exercising (I know, for some it's more of a job/obsession), learning new things, or spending time with others increased happiness – in other words, doing things by choice, not obligation. And, the free time doesn't have to be done in large chunks of time to have a beneficial effect. Reading a short chapter of a book or taking a mile hike or just watching the clouds passing overhead for 15 minutes can all be good uses of discretionary time. A reminder –

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