Core Microbiome. Группа авторов

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Core Microbiome - Группа авторов

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Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Nov 10 (28): 489–521.

      70 70 Niu, D.D., Liu, H.X., Jiang, C.H., Wang, Y.P., Wang, Q.Y., Jin, H.L., and Guo, J.H. (2011). The plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Bacillus cereus AR156 induces systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana by simultaneously activating salicylate and jasmonate/ethylene-dependent signaling pathways. Molecular Plant–Microbe Interactions May 24 (5): 533–542.

      71 71 Conn, V.M., Walker, A.R., and Franco, C.M. (2008). Endophytic actinobacteria induce defense pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant–Microbe Interactions Feb 21 (2): 208–218.

      72 72 Bogner, C.W., Kariuki, G.M., Elashry, A., Sichtermann, G., Buch, A.K., Mishra, B., Thines, M., Grundler, F.M., and Schouten, A. (2016). Fungal root endophytes of tomato from Kenya and their nematode biocontrol potential. Mycological Progress Mar 1 15 (3): 30.

      73 73 Su, L., Shen, Z., Ruan, Y., Tao, C., Chao, Y., Li, R., and Shen, Q. (2017). Isolation of antagonistic endophytes from banana roots against Meloidogyne javanica and their effects on soil nematode community. Frontiers in Microbiology Oct 26 (8): 2070.

      74 74 Li, H., Zhao, J., Feng, H., Huang, L., and Kang, Z. (2013). Biological control of wheat stripe rust by an endophytic Bacillus subtilis strain E1R-j in greenhouse and field trials. Crop Protection Jan 1 43: 201–206.

      75 75 Ho, Y.N., Chiang, H.M., Chao, C.P., Su, C.C., Hsu, H.F., Guo, C.T., Hsieh, J.L., and Huang, C.C. (2015). In planta biocontrol of soilborne Fusarium wilt of banana through a plant endophytic bacterium, Burkholderia cenocepacia 869T2. Plant and Soil Feb 387 (1): 295–306.

      76 76 Sun, K., Xie, X.G., Lu, F., Zhang, F.M., Zhang, W., He, W., and Dai, C.C. (2021). Peanut preinoculation with a root endophyte induces plant resistance to soilborne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum via activation of salicylic acid-dependent signaling. Plant and Soil Jan 12: 1–6.

      77 77 Xie, X.G., Zhao, Y.Y., Yang, Y., Lu, F., and Dai, C.C. (2020). Endophytic Fungus Alleviates Soil Sickness in Peanut Crops by Improving the Carbon Metabolism and Rhizosphere Bacterial Diversity. Microbial Ecology Jul 12: 1–3.

      78 78 Yanni, Y.G. and Dazzo, F.B. (2010). Enhancement of rice production using endophytic strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Trifolii in Extensive Field Inoculation Trials within the Egypt Nile Delta. Plant and Soil. Nov 336 (1): 129–142.

      79 79 Mercier, J. and Jiménez, J.I. (2004). Control of fungal decay of apples and peaches by the biofumigant fungus Muscodor albus. Postharvest Biology and Technology Jan 1 31 (1): 1–8.

      80 80 Stinson, A.M., Zidack, N.K., Strobel, G.A., and Jacobsen, B.J. (2003). Mycofumigation with Muscodor albus and Muscodor roseus for control of seedling diseases of sugar beet and Verticillium wilt of eggplant. Plant Disease Nov 87 (11): 1349–1354.

      81 81 Last, F.T. (1955). Seasonal incidence of Sporobolomyces on cereal leaves. Transactions of the British Mycological Society Sep 38 (3): 221–239.

      82 82 Ruinen, J. (1956). Occurrence of Beijerinckia species in the ‘phyllosphere’. Nature Feb 4 177: 220–221.

      83 83 Maignan, L., DeForce, E.A., Chafee, M.E., Murat Eren, A., and Simmons, S.L. (2014). Ecological succession and stochastic variation in the assembly of Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere communities. mBio Jan 21 5 (1): 1–10.

      84 84 Chaudhry, V., Runge, P., Sengupta, P., Doehlemann, G., Parker, J.E., and Kemen, E. (2021). Shaping the leaf microbiota: Plant–microbe–microbe interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany Jan 20 72 (1): 36–56.

      85 85 Vacher, C., Hampe, A., Porté, A.J., Sauer, U., Compant, S., and Morris, C.E. (2016). The phyllosphere: Microbial jungle at the plant–climate interface. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Nov 1 47: 1–24.

      86 86 Shakir, S., Zaidi, S.S., de Vries, F.T., and Mansoor, S. Plant genetic networks shaping phyllosphere microbial community. Trends in Genetics. 2020 Oct 6.

      87 87 Carlos, A.R.P., Silvia, R., and Maria, M.Z. (2016). Microbial and functional diversity within the phyllosphere of Espeletia species in an Andean high-mountain ecosystem. Applied and Environmental Microbiology March 82 (6): 1807–1817.

      88 88 Carlstrom, C.I., Field, C.M., Bortfeld-Miller, M., Müller, B., Sunagawa, S., and Vorholt, J.A. (2019). Synthetic microbiota reveal priority effects and keystone strains in the Arabidopsis phyllosphere. Nature Ecology & Evolution Oct 3 (10): 1445–1454.

      89 89 Steven, W.K., Timothy, K.O., Holly, K.A., Stephen, P.H., Joseph, W., and Jessica, L.G. (2014). Relationships between phyllosphere bacterial communities and plant functional traits in a neotropical forest. PNAS sep 23 111 (38): 13715–13720.

      90 90 Delmotte, N., Claudia, K., Samuel, C., Gerd, I., Bernd, R., Ralph, S., Christian, V.M., and Julia, A.V. (2009). Community proteogenomics reveals insights into the physiology of phyllosphere bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Sep 22 106 (38): 16428–16433.

      91 91 Vorholt, J.A. (2012). Microbial life in the phyllosphere. Nature Reviews. Microbiology Dec 10 (12): 828–840.

      92 92 Haefele, D.M. and Lindow, S.E. (1987). Flagellar motility confers epiphytic fitness advantages upon Pseudomonas syringae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Oct 1 53 (10): 2528–2533.

      93 93 Tao, C., Kinya, N., Xiaolin, W., Reza, S., Jin, X., Lingya, Y., Bradley, C.P., Li, M., James, K., Yu, C., Li, Z., Nian, W., Ertao, W., Xiu-Fang, X., and Sheng, Y.H. (2020). A plant genetic network for preventing dysbiosis in the phyllosphere. Nature Apr 8 580 (7805): 653–657.

      94 94 Blin, K., Shaw, S., Steinke, K., Villebro, R., Ziemer, N., Lee, S.Y., Medema, M.H., and Weber, T. (2019). antiSMASH 5.0: Updates to the secondary metabolite genome mining pipeline. Nucleic Acids Research Apr 29 47 (1): 81–87.

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