Perovskite Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications. Группа авторов

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Perovskite Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications - Группа авторов

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and transport of carrier.

       Variable bias of voltage, different temperature, and various illumination options

       Can be used to measure concentrations and currents, J-V, C-f, C-V, and Q-V, AC characteristics and spectral response.

       Calculation of single and batch values.

       Final, as well as intermediate values, graphs, and other significant data, can be obtained as output and can be exported

       thickness (μm),

       electron affinity (eV),

       band gap (eV),

       dielectric permittivity (relative),

       valance band effective density of states (1/cm3),

       conduction band effective density of states (1/cm3),

       hole thermal velocity (cm/s),

       electron thermal velocity (cm/s),

       acceptor shallow density (ND),

       donor shallow density (ND).

Snapshot of the action panel of SCAPS. Snapshot of the solar cell definition panel of SCAPS.

      The optical absorption of the semiconductor layers can be taken from a user file. Examples of such user files are distributed with the program: Si.abs, CdS.abs, GaAs.abs, and so on. We can add other absorption files for other relevant materials.

      On the panel for cell definition, which opens the panel for the properties of contacts (Figure 1.5), you can configure the contact properties by either selecting the front or back contact button.

      The identification of each contact is made as follows:

       electron and hole surface recombination velocities,

       information about the metal work function.

Snapshot of the layer properties panel in SCAPS.

       Temperature, T: appropriate to all measurements. In SCAPS, the only variables that have an explicit dependence on temperature are NC(T), NV(T), and thermal voltage kBT.

       Voltage, V: is discarded in simulation of I-V and C-V. It is the voltage for dc-bias in simulation of C-f and simulation of QE(λ). SCAPS starts at 0V and proceeds through a series of steps at the point of operation, which we can also define.

       Frequency, f: is discarded in simulation of I-V, QE(λ) and C-f. It is the frequency of the simulation of the C-V measurement.

       Illumination, the illumination requirements can be further defined when simulating under illumination. The main options are: dark or light, light side choice (left/right), spectrum option. A single sun(=1000 W/m3) illumination with the “air mass.5, global” spectrum is the default, but for specialized simulations, we have a wide range of monochromatic light and spectra.

      In a diode, the current at n-contact is converted from the p-contact hole current to the electron current. It implies that recombination must occur somewhere in the diode, even in the most ideal device. The user must define recombination at least at one location (in a layer or interface) somewhere. Defects are most important parameters for study of solar cells. The following parameters identify defects in SCAPS:

       position of energy level in the gap,

       type of defect (i.e. acceptor, donor or neutral),

       thermal capture cross-section for electrons,

       thermal capture cross-section for holes,

       energetic distribution (single, uniform …),

       defect energy level reference (above EV or below EC),

       optical cross section of electrons,

       capture cross section of holes,

       concentration of defects.

Snapshot of energy bands panel window in SCAPS.

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