Perovskite Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications. Группа авторов

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Perovskite Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications - Группа авторов

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implementing all the necessary data (layer properties, solar cell configuration). The panel of the energy bands opens, and the calculations begin. The window for panel for energy bands opens after measurement with the band diagram, density of carriers, density of current, and probability of occupation of deep defects of graph plots of electrons as shown in Figure 1.6.

      Then from the right side of the screen window of the energy bands one can select choices (Gen-Rec, I-V). The behavior of the solar cell like the short circuit current (JSC) may be derived from the I-V curve. The results can be saved for further editing or use in other programs as ASCII files (e.g., Excel). It is broadly used for the simulation and analysis of different types of solar cells [46–49].

      From the study of these simulation softwares, it can be definitely said that simulation of perovskite solar cells can be used as a tool for designing and optimizing advanced perovskite solar cell structures and also to interpret the measurements made on different device structures. It can also be conclusively inferred that simulation can bring about better understanding of the detailed specifics of the working of perovskite solar cell structures. However, the simulation of perovskite solar cells requires a lot of input parameters, which makes it a tedious task.

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