English: Разговорная грамматика для реального общения. Книга 1. Роман Романов

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English: Разговорная грамматика для реального общения. Книга 1 - Роман Романов

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глагола to be в настоящем неопределенном времени

      Утвердительная форма (обратите внимание на сокращения, характерные для разговорной речи):

      I am a dentist. = I’m a dentist. – Я дантист.

      You are a dentist. = You’re a dentist. – Ты дантист.

      He is a dentist. = He’s a dentist. – Он дантист.

      She is a dentist. = She’s a dentist. – Она дантист.

      It is a dentist. = It’s a dentist. – Это дантист.

      We are dentists. = We’re dentists. – Мы дантисты.

      You are dentists. = You’re dentists. – Вы дантисты.

      They are dentists. = They’re dentists. – Они дантисты.

      Вопросительная форма (обратите внимание на порядок слов в вопросах):

      Am I a dentist? – Я дантист?

      Are you a dentist? – Ты дантист?

      Is he a dentist? – Он дантист?

      Is she a dentist? – Она дантист?

      Is it a dentist? – Это дантист?

      Are we dentists? – Мы дантисты?

      Are you dentists? – Вы дантисты?

      Are they dentists? – Они дантисты?

      Отрицательная форма (обратите внимание на сокращения в отрицательных предложениях, характерные для разговорной речи):

      I am not a dentist. = I’m not a dentist. – Я не дантист.

      You are not a dentist. = You’re not a dentist. = You aren’t a dentist.

      He is not a dentist. = He’s not a dentist. = He isn’t a dentist.

      She is not a dentist. = She’s not a dentist. = She isn’t a dentist.

      It is not a dentist. = It’s not a dentist. = It isn’t a dentist.

      We are not dentists. = We’re not dentists. = We aren’t dentists.

      You are not dentists. = You’re not dentists. = You aren’t dentists.

      They are not dentists. = They’re not dentists. = They aren’t dentists.


      Упражнение 31

      В следующих предложениях произведите сокращения, характерные для разговорной речи.

      1. Tom is a student from England. 2. They are not hungry, but they are thirsty. 3. I am your new driver. 4. Jane is not at home now. She is in college. 5. It is a nice dress, Kate! 6. We are not businessmen, we are doctors. 7. Ann is American, but now she is in Britain. 8. It is their new apartment. 9. You are a great writer, Timothy! 10. They are in Singapore now. 11. It is not a living room, it is my study. 12. You are right, Mr. Bates. I am not a scientist (ученый). 13. Donald is not an engineer, he is an architect. 14. They are not Chinese, they are Korean. 15. Marianna is not from Spain, she is from Italy. 16. You are nice people, but you are terrible sportsmen, guys. 17. Jimmy is only six years old, but he is so smart! 18. It is a small world! 19. You are my boss, Mrs. White, and I am not your friend. 20. She is not from Chicago, she is from Seattle.

      Упражнение 32*

      Вставьте в предложения нужные формы глагола to be, по возможности используя разговорные сокращения.

      1. … Lucy Jim’s cousin? – No, she … not his cousin, she … his sister. – … she a schoolgirl? – No, Lucy … a student at college, she … a violinist (скрипачка). 2. … they happy in America? – Yes, they … quite (вполне) happy there. Ronaldo … a plumber (сантехник), Olga … a private piano teacher, and their children … college students. 3. Mom, … you busy? – Yes, I … busy with the pie. It … in the oven (духовка) already. 4. … Mike from England? – No, he … not from England, he … from Australia. – It … strange. His accent … so British! – It … because Mike … an Oxford University student. 5. Mary, … you a doctor like (как и) Nell? – Yes, but I … a surgeon (хирург), and Nell … a dentist. – Oh, I see. And your husband? … he a doctor, too? – No, Peter … not a doctor. He … a lawyer (юрист). 6. … your car red? – No, it … not red. My car … dark blue. 7. … it your new laptop (ноутбук)? – No, it … Jack’s. My laptop … in my bedroom. – … it expensive (дорогой)? – Yes, very! It … big and nice! 8.

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