Debates contemporáneos de derecho internacional económico. Enrique Prieto-Rios
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1 Gaëtan Verhoosel, “Annulment and enforcement review of treaty awards: to ICSID or not to ICSID”, en ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, vol. 23, n° 1 (2008), pp. 119-154.
2 Jo Delaney, “‘Expropriation’ and ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ Standards in Recent ICSID Jurisprudence”, en Rainer Hofmann y Christian Tams (eds.), The International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2007, pp. 73-80.
3 Stephan W. Schill (ed.), International investment law and comparative public law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010.
4 Campbell McLachlan, “Investment treaties and general international law”, en International & Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 57, n° 2 (2008), pp. 361-401.
5 José E. Alvarez, The public international law regime governing international investment, Leiden, the Netherlands, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011.
6 Susan D. Franck, “The Legitimacy Crisis in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Privatizing Public International Law through Inconsistent Decisions”, en Fordham Law Review, vol. 73, n° 4 (2005), p. 1521.
7 James D. Fry, “International Human Rights Law in Investment Arbitration: Evidence of International Law’s Unity”, en Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, vol 18, n° 1 (2007), p. 77.
8 Tarcisio Gazzini y Eric De Brabandere (eds.), International Investment Law. The Sources of Rights and Obligations, Leiden, the Netherlands, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012.
9 Christoph Schreuer, “Calvo’s Grandchildren: The Return of Local Remedies in Investment Arbitration”, en The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, vol. 4, n° 1 (2005), pp. 1-17.
10 CMS Gas Transmission Co. c. Argentina, CIADI nº ARB/01/8, Decision on Annulment, para. 66-68.
11 Walter Arévalo, Manual de derecho internacional público, Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2019.
12 Walter Arévalo y Laura García, “Arbitraje de inversión. Definición y aspectos procesales relevantes: principios generales y desarrollos en el CIADI”, en Laura García y Antonio Aljure (eds.), Estudios contemporáneos de derecho internacional privado, Bogotá, Legis Editores, 2016, pp. 243-278.
13 Andreas F. Lowenfeld, “Investment agreements and international law”, en Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 42, n° 1 (2003), p. 123.
14 Emmanuel Gaillard y Yas Banifatemi, “The Meaning of ‘and’ in Article 42(1), Second Sentence, of the Washington Convention: The Role of International Law in the ICSID Choice of Law Process”, en ICSID Review, vol. 18, nº 2 (2003), pp. 375-411.
15 Arévalo y García, ob. cit.
16 Christoph Schreuer, The ICSID Convention: A Commentary (2a ed.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 607.
17 Arévalo, Manual de derecho internacional público.
18 Okezie Chukwumerije, “International law and Article 42 of the ICSID Convention”, en Journal of International Arbitration, vol. 14, n° 3 (1997), pp. 79-101.
19 Arévalo y García, ob. cit.
20 Schreuer, The ICSID Convention: A Commentary, pp. 608-609.
21 Gaillard y Banifatemi, ob. cit.
22 Ibíd., p. 373.
23 Ibíd., pp. 371-374.
24 Klockner c. Cameroon, Ad Hoc Committee Decision, 1985 2 ICSID Rep. 95, 1994, para. 122: “Article 42 of the Washington Convention certainly provides that ‘in the absence of agreement between the parties, the Tribunal shall apply the law of the Contracting State party to the dispute […] and such principles of international law as may be applicable.’ This gives these principles (perhaps omitting cases in which it should be ascertained whether the domestic law conforms to international law) a dual role, that is, complementary (in the case of a ‘lacuna’ in the law of the State), or corrective, should the State’s law not conform on all points to the principles of international law. In both cases, the arbitrators may have recourse to the ‘principles of international law’ only after having inquired into and established the content of the law of the State party to the dispute (which cannot be reduced to one principle, even a basic one) and after having applied the relevant rule of the State’s law. Article 42(1) therefore clearly does not allow the arbitrator to base his decision solely on the ‘rules’ or ‘principles of international law’ ”.
25 Gaillard y Banifatemi, ob. cit., p. 399.
26 Wena Hotels Limited c. Egypt, CIADI 2002 (ICSID Case nº ARB/98/4), Decision on Application for Annulment, Feb. 5, 2002, para. 38-40.
27 Annie Leeks, “The relationship between bilateral investment treaty arbitration and the wider corpus of international law: the ICSID approach” en University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review, vol. 65, n° 2 (2007), p. 1.
28 Wena Hotels Limited c. Egypt, CIADI 2002 (ICSID Case nº ARB/98/4), Decision on Application for Annulment, Feb. 5, 2002, para. 38-40: “38. This discussion brings into light the various views expressed as to the role of international law in the context of Article 42(1). Scholarly opinion, authoritative writings and some ICSID decisions have dealt with this matter. Some views have argued for a broad role of international law, including not only the rules embodied in treaties but also the rather large definition of sources contained in Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. Other views have expressed that international law is called in to supplement the applicable domestic law in case of the existence of lacunae. In Klockner I the ad hoc Committee introduced the concept of international law as complementary to the applicable law in case of lacunae and as corrective in case that the applicable domestic law would not conform on all points to the principles of international law. There is also the view that international law has a controlling function of domestic applicable law to the extent that there is a collision between such law and fundamental norms of international law embodied in the concept of jus cogens”.
29 Wena Hotels Limited c. Egypt, CIADI 2002 (ICSID Case nº ARB/98/4), Decision on Application for Annulment, Feb. 5, 2002, para. 38-40: “39. Some of these views have in common the fact that they are aimed at restricting the role of international law and highlighting that of the law of the host State. Conversely, the view that calls for a broad application of international law aims at restricting the role of the law of the host State. There seems not to be a single answer as to which of these approaches is the correct one. The circumstances of each case may justify one or another solution. However, this Committee’s task is not to elaborate precise conclusions on this matter, but only to decide whether the Tribunal manifestly exceeded its powers with respect to Article 42(1) of the CSID Convention. Further, the use of the word ‘may’ in the second sentence of this provision indicates that the Convention does not draw a sharp line for the distinction of the respective