Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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      Fill (something) in

      Fill in the blanks

      Fill out (something)

      Fill the bill

      Filled to the brim

      Find (someone) guilty

      Find (someone) innocent

      Find fault with (someone or something)

      Find it in one's heart to (do something)

      Find Mr. Right

      Find one's feet

      Find one's own level

      Find one's tongue

      Find one's way

      Find oneself

      Find out (something)

      Fine and dandy

      Fine how-do-you-do

      Fine kettle of fish

      Fine state of affairs

      Fine-tooth/toothed comb

      Fine-toothed/tooth comb

      Finger in the pie

      Fire a gun

      Fire away at (someone or something)

      Firing on all cylinders

      Firm hand

      First and foremost

      First come, first served

      First hand

      First love

      First of all

      First off

      First out of the gate

      First past the post

      First things first



      Fish for (something)

      Fish for a compliment

      Fish in troubled waters

      Fish or cut bait

      Fish out of water


      Fit (someone or something) in

      Fit (someone) into a schedule

      Fit (someone) out with (something)

      Fit (someone) to a T

      Fit and trim

      Fit as a fiddle

      Fit for a king

      Fit in with (someone or something)

      Fit like a glove

      Fit the mold

      Fit to be tied

      Fit to kill

      Fix (someone's) wagon

      Fix (someone) up with (someone)

      Fizzle out

      Flare up

      Flash in the pan

      Flat broke

      Flat out

      Flea in (someone's) ear

      Flea market

      Flesh (something) out

      Flex one's muscles

      Flight of fancy

      Flip one's lid

      Flip out

      Flirt with the idea of (doing something)

      Float (someone) a loan

      Float a loan

      Flog/beat a dead horse

      Flora and fauna

      Flunk out

      Flush with (something)

      Fly by the seat of one's pants

      Fly in the face of (something)

      Fly in the ointment

      Fly into the face of danger

      Fly off the handle

      Fly the coop


      Flying high


      Foam at the mouth

      Foist (something) off on (someone)

      Fold (something) up

      Fold one's hands

      Follow (someone's) lead

      Follow in (someone's) footsteps

      Follow one's heart

      Follow one's nose

      Follow orders

      Follow suit

      Follow the crowd

      Follow through on/with (something)

      Follow up (something)

      Fond of (someone or something)

      Food for thought

      Fool and his money are soon parted

      Fool around

      Foot in the door

      Foot the bill

      Footloose and fancy-free

      For a song

      For all (something)

      For all I care

      For all I know

      For all intents and purposes

      For all one is worth

      For all practical purposes

      For all the world

      For better or worse


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